Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I love California

My good friend, Helen Shafer Garcia, took me to her favorite hiking area yesterday, the Santa Rosa Plateau in Murrietta. (about an hour north of where I live.)

The Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve is 8,000 acres of gorgeous California country. The kind I remember as a child, growing up in Northern California. (I am a native Californian.)
We spotted some wildflowers, it's just the beginning of the season.
It had been a huge ranch in the mid 1800s, and you can see the farmhouse, and image life at the time.
Just a wonderful way to spend the morning!


  1. Sooz Weissberg2/23/2011 8:00 AM

    Those are some glorious shots. I love California too, but there is nothing like hiking in its rolling hills in the springtime, n'est pas? Your shots could very well be somewhere in my central coast neighborhood. :D

  2. What a wonderful way to start the morning. Beautiful views. What did you draw? The farmhouse? I agree with looks very much like the central coast of California.. Spring is on its way!!!!

  3. What a beautiful area. Never venturing far from the east coast, it's nice to see what I'm missing!

  4. gayle - squetcher2/23/2011 9:07 AM

    What a beautiful and inspiring spot to hike. I especially love that top photo.

  5. That top photo is perfect for our current Colorplay challenge on the 12x12 group -- brown/sage/blue. Lovely!

  6. That sounds wonderful. Next time I visit my sister in Fallbrook I think I'll get her to go over there!

  7. Oh, how I miss the golden heart still longs for the GGNRA... it has been 8 years since I lived there, and it will always be part of my inner landscape.

  8. Murrietta is such a beautiful spot in the world! Thanks for taking me back there. I can almost feel the cool of the morning when I look at your pics!


  9. This is where live,I did a double take and said this looks familiar! I'm also a native Californian. I love how the hills can be Emerald green in winter with rain and gold and yellow in the summer sun. The opposite of other places and it still takes my breath away! So glad you got to hike around this area. The oaks are really wonderful!

  10. OK I need to slow down and really look. I saw the second picture and the words Santa Rosa, I'm in northern CA and this really fooled me, it does so look like my area, but when I was writing about the green hills in winter rain, I thought wait a minute.... I double checked and alas it's south of here. Gee do I feel silly! Oh well, I had a momentary romp in my imagination and it was fun! Looks like a wonderful place to hike. You'd love Santa Rosa too!

  11. It was a wonderous morning! I knew you would love it Jane! Being a native CA, it brings me back in time when there were more open spaces, native plants and wildlife. The oaks are still ever so strong and lovely and in a few weeks the wildflowers should all be blooming!

  12. Isn't it lovely...
    blue skies and plenty of sunshine, got to love California!

  13. @Laura Lea. I was raised in Northern California and my grandparents lived in YOUR Santa Rosa. I know it well, and totally agree, that this 'santa rosa' is sooo similar.

  14. Beautiful place! How lovely that you were able to see it, and thank you for bringing us along!

  15. I do too! Just wish I could have stayed longer...maybe you would have taken me along for the walk!

  16. I am a native Californian.I too love California.My early years were in Berkeley and Oakland.My hearts desire is to someday go to Glass Beach.I watched an episode on Glass Beach on a show by Huell Hauser(I miss him).Here I am in the Desert near Palm Springs which is a lovely place to be.I have been here 45 years and the only other place I would move to would be Utah where my daughter lives.That is a very beautiful State.....


Thanks so much for visiting!