Monday, February 14, 2011

See you on Friday!

Buddy wants to go too
I'm off to Cleveland to film Quilting Arts TV and a Workshop DVD... See you on Friday! (I'll post on Facebook while I'm traveling)
I was on QA TV Season 300, a few years ago  and here's the Organza Hawk Feather project and the Paper on Cloth segments I did then.


  1. Brrrr! Sounds like it might be cold!!

  2. Cute photo. What is it about suitcases that cats always want to get in? I bet if you gave them a suitcase to use for a bed, they would stick up their nose and ignore it! Have a good trip and make sure your suitcase isn't meowing before you stow it on the plane :)

  3. Hey Jane, Have fun in Cleveland! I was just there (!) and saw your name on the list... would have been fun to have met you in person, but I think we have segments on the same show. Enjoy the heat wave... I hear it will be over 50 degrees tomorrow!

  4. Hi Jane, Be careful. One of my cats mistook my open suitcase for a litter box once. Maybe she was just trying to tell me not to go away !!!!
    Can't wait to hear about the Cleveland trip.

  5. Busy, busy... gal!
    Enjoy being artful. :]

  6. That is not your picture with Pokey on the Paper on Cloth link, even though it says it is. I want them to fix it! You are famous!


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