Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Got Pattern?

Just finished up the 8 week class I teach at the Athenaeum. These are student's works in progress from yesterday's class. Strips of paper napkins, collage papers and some fabric, glued on to muslin. They'll stitch on them and cut them up and who knows what!

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

student work in progress

My Athenaeum Class March 2011
And here are my lovely students!


  1. AND their lovely teacher!
    looks like loads of fun.

  2. Beautiful and insipiring!

  3. These are all way cool! Great colors and textures. Your students are so lucky to have you as their teacher!

  4. Lucky Ladies those....and beautiful works!


  5. As one of the lucky ladies who attended this class, I want to thank you for another great session. You are a wonderful teacher and we all had so much fun!

  6. These look like as much fun as your class must have been!

  7. ditto what our crafty Ellen said - and you MUST must must teach again. :-) the srips were fun - and now I know what Ann (D) meant when she texted me tonight - "i want to do strips". thank you, Jane. it was terrific!

  8. Love all those patterns and colors together!

  9. Absolute spring! Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!

  10. I love this, I'd love to try this here at home, what kind of glue to you use to adhere it all to the muslin? Do tell.. I can't wait to try this! xo hugs, bonitarose

  11. So colourful, so many lovely patterns...beautiful!

    I wish I was there and not in the UK so I could take a class with you too!

    ~ Sara

  12. Wow!looks like a good project! Lots of variety too!

  13. Such colors and texture! I'd like to see how they end up.

  14. I wouldnt mind some of them hung on my walls as they are!
    Sounds like a fab class.........do you do it online?!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Jane
    I am loving your blog! Is there a tutorial for this technique? Is the glue an iron-on type? I'd love to try this technique. Also am wondering if you have an online beginning watercolor tutorial or a beginning watercolor class.
    Love, love, LOVE your art! Makes me want to forget responsibility and go play!

  17. @Susan. check out my workshops page here http://janeville.blogspot.com/p/classes-and-workshops.html I do teach online watercolor classes.
    I've got some tutorials on my blog too, you'll find them if you scroll down and look at the right hand column.
    glue for this was liquid matte medium, or PVA glue, or soft gel medium.

  18. These are lovely. Kind of like 'crazy paper' or at least that's what I used to call it, except the fact it's on muslin rocks. Plus I really like the way you have them doing strips, it isn't quite as 'crazy' haha.


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