Tuesday, March 01, 2011

more everyday objects

everyday objects
A pitcher from my collection, and a spoon. Spoons are so...comforting. I guess it's because we Westerners use a spoon everyday. What are your favorite 'everday objects?' I know candles are one of mine. and I do have a spoon holder in the kitchen I'm particulary fond of. I broke my recently purchased favorite wine glass, #%*&, so I won't be painting that... Tell my yours....


  1. I have lots of weird little everyday objects that have been given and gathered form here and there. One thing is a pair of pottery wine glasses that I bought about 32 years ago form a potter that I stayed with. i only wish I had more but they are now one of a kind.
    I have a little egg coddler that was given to me by an old boyfriend. Your supposed to be able to cook your egg inside it. It is china with a silver top.

  2. Right now, my favorite everyday object is the coffee mug I bought last year at a lovely bakery in Dripping Springs, TX. (The bakery is called Rolling in Thyme and Dough, in case you ever get there.) Maybe I'll paint it as part of my travel journal/blog...now that I know I can, thanks to you!

    You also have helped open my eyes in a new way to the details of things around me. Recording them in paint has been a joy.

  3. My morning coffee mug and my thimble. My mug was purchased from a potter in Spokane, Wa. It fits my hand perfectly and I wish I had bought a spare. My favorite thimble was my Great Grandmother's. I did not know her, but her thimble fits my finger perfectly. I have to be careful, she wore a hole in it and every once in a while the needle head will pop into it and wake me! I think it as Gram saying hi, whatcha' doing? Have a great day, Jane.

  4. I first saw your drawings in Danny Gregory's book "An Illustrated Life". I love your style! I'll follow your blog! Thanks!

  5. gayle - squetcher3/02/2011 7:23 AM

    This is so beautiful. The painting is fabulous. I have a very diverse list of favourite things....but currently it is my Mom's Featherweight sewing machine.


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