Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Preparing for our San Miguel de Allende Art Retreat in April 2011

Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011

Our Tesoros del Corazon art retreat is approaching quickly!  Helen Shafer Garcia, Lynn Leahy, Diane Uke and I met at Laurie Mika's home this past weekend for final prepartions. Laurie created the gorgeous nametags (above) for all the participants.
Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011
Laurie's studio (above) and home are filled with gorgeous artwork, much of it her's.

Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011
Treasure of the heart!

Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011
We talked of San Miguel and spoke of your plans. Such a beautiful city!
Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011
Above is the B&B where we'll stay and hold our workshops.
Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011
Above is a photo of breakfast at our B&B, from a few years ago. That's me on the right, mid table.
Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011
Above are the gorgeous things you'll be creating in your 4 days of workshops.
Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011
Helen is teaching the book structure, I'm teaching Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style, Lynn is teacher that wonderful necklace.
Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011

Art Retreat to San Miguel de Allende in April 2011
And Laurie will teach you to make these beautiful polymer tiles for the top of your Tesoro del Corazon ~ Treasure of the Heart.  There are a few spots left!


  1. Beautiful scenery and gorgeous art! I wish we had workshops like that her!

    Have fun!

  2. Jackie, that's why you travel TO this glorious place in Mexico!

  3. Oh, how I wish I could! Just to be in a warm, sunny climate would be heavenly. Add to that, the wonderful classes you have outlined and it really would be Eden.

  4. Thank you for sharing I like going on your trips

  5. Looks like so much Jane. I was in Mexico last month and miss it terribly..

  6. Wow, sumptuous, beautiful artwork and location.


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