Monday, March 21, 2011

Saturday's workshop

Saturday workshop in Encinitas

Saturday workshop in Encinitas

Saturday workshop in Encinitas

Saturday workshop in Encinitas

Saturday workshop in Encinitas

Saturday workshop in Encinitas

Saturday workshop in Encinitas

Saturday workshop in Encinitas

Saturday workshop in Encinitas
I taught "Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style" on Saturday, in Encinitas at the California Center for Creative Renewal. One of my favorite locations to teach, well, besides Orvieto, Italy in 2012.
Note: I'll be teaching at California Center for Creative Renewal again on Saturday, December 3, 2011.


  1. Beautiful site!!

  2. That's an amazing garden, Jane. So beautiful to have all that color and the mountain view as well.

  3. What a lovely place for sketching. It's a far cry from our several inches of snow today. And here I was thinking it was spring.

  4. What a beautiful locale. The nasturtiums are huge! What is the white flower with the red golf ball center? Jane, are you going to have your new dvd available on your website or just through Interweave. Yes, I am itching to get a copy. Have a wonderful week.

  5. What a lovely place you've found! I would find it hard to leave.

  6. Fabulous floral inspiration. A far cry from the views at my home right now!

  7. Wonderful location to get inspire from! Must have fantastic time spent for sketching & painting.

  8. Un lieu magique pour créer et se sentir bien...
    J'aime particulièrement les capucines qui se faufilent partout et immergent subitement avec leur beauté puissante de dessous leurs feuilles rondes et gourmandes...

  9. gayle - squetcher3/22/2011 7:25 AM

    I feel rested and peaceful just looking at the photos. What a wonderful best to being in Orvieto, I'm sure.

  10. WOW!!! This place is YUMMY!!!! Mega inspiration... I would be going CRAZY with my camera.

  11. So beautiful.
    Looks like everyone is at peace with art! :]

  12. Yes, JAne, I'm wondering about the white flower with the huge globe in the center..what is that? I love the scenery byw!

  13. Dear Jane,
    Thank you for a wonderful workshop! Your blog is a treasure trove and I discover something new each time I look at it. Am playing with the mini-tutorials.

    Warm regards,
    Karen Waters


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