Saturday, March 05, 2011

work in progress ~ Buddy is skeptical

buddy and my work in progress
When I work on a large piece (large for me, anyway) I move it to the dining room.

(Viewer Warning...insight into my creative process ahead: The piece I'm working on is for an invitational juried exhibition. Photos of it are due Friday. I'm just putting it together (currently making that part up as I go along), sewing it together and THEN I will look at it as a whole and try to make it work with the addition of color in some areas -- or whatever works---right up until the deadline when I will photograph it and send it off. After I've sent it off, I will craft an artist statement. Do not try this at home. It's a crazy, stressful way to work, but I have had success with it. at least, in the past...)


  1. Good luck, Jane! It looks beautiful so far. Your view out your dining room is lovely, Buddy just exemplifies the "no stress" look. Maybe some of it can rub off on you when you need it. Can't wait to see the piece in completion

  2. There is nothing like a bit of deadline stress to stimulate the creative glands!!!

  3. Don't forget to add "cat hair" when you list the materials used.

  4. Sooz Weissberg3/05/2011 8:41 AM

    This is such a beautiful scene, Jane; thank you so much for taking a minute out to snap and download it ... precious time away from your deadline. The colors are sooooo beautiful, and so are your dining room chairs, BTW ... and your kittie. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I'll be keeping this scene in my head today.

  5. I too usually have a cat in this pose when I'm in the dining room. I esp. love seeing your cat portraits in the background!

  6. Ha! I TOTALLY work that way too! Maybe it's a Jane thing. LOL

  7. So - I'm betting we're working on the same project. I just had a major disaster - and am trying to decide whether to can the whole thing or make it work.

    You are absolutely right - do NOT try this at home. Or at least try to quit after 10pm if your brain turns off then like mine does. sigh.

    Your's looks beautiful so far.

  8. gayle - squetcher3/06/2011 7:03 AM

    Can't wait to see the finished product because it looks like Buddy is enjoying it. Lovely picture.
    Good luck! You'll get it done, though. Deadlines are pretty exciting.


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