Saturday, May 28, 2011

Monoprinting on cloth or paper

mono reverse applique
I love monoprinting on a gelatin plate. And you can do so many things with your monoprints. You can print on cloth and do a reverse appliqué (that's my beet pomegranate batting peaking through)
mono on black
You can print on colored cloth (this is black linen from an old pair of pants.)
monoprint on paper
You can print on paper and collage and stitch.
CROWing ~ detail  
You can use the monoprint as a background and appliqué on top.
crow calculations detail  
You can just hand stitch the dickens out of it.
agave casa  
You can make them and sell them on ETSY (Agave Casa is here in my Etsy shop.)

You could make monoprints on your own, and use my friend Leslie Jenison's tutorial on The Sketchbook Challenge blog, OR, better yet, take a full day workshop from me at the Long Beach Quilt Festival on Friday, July 29. Or if you live farther east (giggle) take Monoprinting on Fabric and Paper at Art Unraveled in Phoenix on August 4. I'll bring the gelatin!


  1. mono printing with gelatin molds is also one of my favorite things to do!

  2. Oh now you have gone and done it JANE!!!!! I must pour some plates but only once I get the rest of my deadline list completed!!!! Such a fabulously fun way to create substrate for stitch!!! I am always so inspired when I see your gelatin printed pieces!!!!

  3. Jane, your workshop in Long Beach will be a total BLAST! I love these pieces! Monoprinting is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.


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