Sunday, May 08, 2011

Sketchbook pages

The Sketchbook Challenge theme this month is Can't Resist. So being the literal kind of gal I am, I used a resist on my pages. I prepared the pages at home by using a stencil and spray gesso. I also tried using masking fluid, and dabbing it on through a stencil, but the images didn't come out very clear, just chunky.
succulent before color
Here's how my page looked before I painted it.


  1. ...each drawing/painting with this resist background looks fabulous!

  2. Oh Jane I love the fuidity of your lines and the subtle colors on the cactus painting. I'm not sure how you use the spray gesso. I'll email you about it.
    Sharon Gorberg

    ps what a great theme for May!!

  3. What a wonderful technique, these are delightful pages!

  4. I especially love the cactus and succulent. I was so moved by your post with Juanita's art. You are certainly making the word a better place! I also loved "running into" you at our local bookstore. I stopped to admire a Farmer's Market watercolored sketch and was delighted to see that it was yours!

  5. I especially love the cactus and succulent. I was so moved by your post with Juanita's art. You are certainly making the word a better place! I also loved "running into" you at our local bookstore. I stopped to admire a Farmer's Market watercolored sketch and was delighted to see that it was yours!

  6. Hi Jane!! love these--so cheery--especially the yellow!!..looking forward to seeing you soon in Costa Mesa and class.

  7. Such lovely journal page!
    I must admit... the cactus is my favorite :]


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