Thursday, June 16, 2011

just because

random arts monkey
Jane Powell has this monkey in her collection of...vintage...uh...odd stuff. You can see my tutorial on how I got the sheet music in the background here.

bird and on page
I bought this little ceramic bird in North Carolina, so had to draw him too.
And still playing with ideas for my workshoip Mixed Media Sketchbooks & Journals on July 9 & 10 at San Clemente Art Supply (CA) with Linda Blinn.


  1. You've redecorated! It looks very nice. I like the monkey, but that little ceramic bird is adorable. You always jump start my creative side with every post - thank you.

  2. Just found you via the Sketchbook Challenge. Thank you so much for the layering tutorial, it's wonderful. I love your blog and am going to poke around a bit. It looks lovely!

  3. MaryAnn@SticksAndBroomstraws.com6/16/2011 12:13 PM

    Jane, in the mini-tutorial you have a link for liquid acrylic medium. The page it goes to has tons of options. Please tell me, does the bottle say glazing liquid or matte medium?
    Thank you. I read your blog every day and love your work and constant encouragement.

  4. ooooh, LOVE the monkey :-) ...the bird is precious, too! and as a relative new-comer to your blog (i know, i know - i'm a bit slow - ha!), i really appreciate the link to the tutorial for the background inclusions -- great for altered book work ;-) many thanks!

  5. Love this :-)
    Thanks for chering it with us how you do this.
    Have a great week end.

  6. There's that monkey! YOU make it look cute! So cool Ms. Jane and I love the birds on the absorbent ground. It makes me want to do more with that product from Golden. Thanks for doing that demo here at Random Arts.

  7. Love the monkey! Cannot wait to learn from you in August at Create!!


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