Saturday, July 09, 2011

Ah Italy!!

Ah, Italy. We had such a wonderful time in Orvieto last year, that we're going again in May 2012. One of my students on that trip, Peggy Euser wrote this article for Art Journaling magazine and it's illustrated with watercolors she created our week in Orvieto in 2010. (You can clearly tell that I didn't teach Peggy everything she knows--she arrived in Italy able to draw. But for many of the other students on that trip, it was their first time drawing and painting.)
Take a look at photos and my pages from the 2010 trip here.
Then join me in 2012 for Bella Italia: Orivieto Sketchbook
 drawing the landscape
Peggy is the one in the hat (in the center). Photo from May's 2010 trip to Orvieto.


  1. Des moments comme ça à mettre dans la boîte à bons souvenirs... Gros bisous.

  2. You're so right about Italy..and I just posted about Florence! It's something about the way of life, I think. Art and beauty everywhere. Thanks for the tutorial on a prayer flag.
    best, nadia


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