Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Botanical-ish in my Mixed Media Journal

eucalyptus in bloom
Imagine that! I'm working in a large sprial bound journal! The Strathmore Mixed Media Visual Journal at 9x12 inches! You can teach an old dog new tricks, I guess. True, the mixed media paper takes the watercolors differently that my usual high quality watercolor paper, but I think it helps me work looser.
eucalyptus in bloom
As I drew the blooms, leaves and pods of the Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'rosea' (White Ironbark) from snippets of the tree, I also created little graphic designs on the same page. So fun!

eucalyptus in bloom
I'll use the designs in my other artwork, maybe free motion stitching or who know what! (Like in chapter 4 of my DVD/download "From Art Journaling to Art.)
eucalyptus in bloom

eucalyptus in bloom
I'm teaching a 6 week Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style class in  downtown San Diego this year (starts October 11-Tuesdays, 9-noon through the Athenaeum-- registration isn't open yet) and I'm playing with ideas for the sllyabus.
eucalyptus in bloom
I'm thinking this would make a cool stamp or thermofax print. You know I'll keep you posted!
eucalyptus in bloom

eucalyptus in bloom
You can see my teaching schedule here. (Phoenix August 5: Pinecones & Pods and online starting August 11, Friday Harbor near Seattle September 10&11)
I'm teaching in Utah right now, returning next week, then onto the Long Beach International Quilt Festival. Oh, and I'm even teaching sketching & watercolor at Make It University at the Quilt Festival! Saturday, July 30, 11:45-12:45. Sign up for the lottery beforehand, limited to 25.


  1. Oh my this journal page is so lovely! I have the same it!

  2. Gosh I love what you've done! I have two of these journals, one in watercolor paper and one in mixed media paper, and I'm looking forward to working in them now. Thanks again for the inspiration!

  3. I'm gonna go download your dvd, Jane! It really looks awesome.

  4. very nice artwork jane!

  5. Just read that you will be coming to Alaska for our Fiber Festival in March!! How exciting!! See you soon :o)

  6. How lovely is this? I'm a regular art journaller but have never experimented with images like these - so so this SO inspiring!! Thank you for sharing.


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