Sunday, July 17, 2011

Prayer Flags #10 & 11

prayer flag # 10: learning and growing
Prayer flag #10: learn and grow
prayer flag # 10: learning and growing
I love love love learning new things. Learning feels good and it makes me grow and stretch.
prayer flag # 10: learning and growing

prayer flag # 10: learning and growing

prayer flag 11 ~ gratitude
Prager flag #11: Gratitude.

prayer flag 11 ~ gratitude, detail
and frankly gratitude for the work I've done and the life I've lived that is allowing me to teach in France next year! a big Merci Beaucoup!
prayer flag 11 ~ gratitude, detail

11 prayer flags
I make these flags quickly, grabbing a piece of monotprint, tearing, folding and then stitching on while I watch TV in the evenings. My goal is to make 30 flags. I know I'll reach that goal. I just wonder if I'll get all the other things done that I need to! I adore making these flags. Join me at The Prayer Flag Project and post on the flickr group.


  1. Your flags and your continued inspiration - touch and inspire me. Thanks for sharing them with us. And thanks for spreading peace and prayer. Lori W at Art Camp for Women

  2. jane you are such a busy creative lady and l am in awe of you. Love these flags..hope you meet your target. Also congrats on teaching in france next yearxxlynda

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  5. Where will you teach in France next year please..I'm interested !

  6. Pascale, there's a link in the post
    I'll be in Nice!

  7. Thanks for sharing these, Jane! I'm a little late catching on to this project, but plan to jump in and participate right NOW!


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