Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Prayer flags 12 & 13

Prayer Flag 12: For Balance
Prayer flag #12. for balance. I used the yoga 'tree pose' as the metaphor for balance. Some days it seems like I can do the tree pose easily, sometimes I can't stay upright! Trying to keep a balanced life, diet, work schedule and emotions is not always easy, but I do my best.
Prayer Flag 12: For Balance detail

Prayer Flag 12: For Balance detail

Prayer flag #13 ~ for Ann Cobbe
Prayer flag #13 is for Ann Cobbe. She took her own life last November.
Prayer flag #13 ~ for Ann Cobbe
As I worked on this, I started with the flowers that were Ann's bright spirit, humor and strength. Then I began stitching over the flowers with black thread, signifying the postpartum depression she suffered. In the end, it was a tragic mis-judgement regarding her medications......She was 39, with 2 small children.
Prayer flag #13 ~ for Ann Cobbe

Prayer flag #13 ~ for Ann Cobbe
Not all prayer flags are pretty.
Each breeze carries love for Ann and those left behind.
13 prayer flags


  1. Your line of flags is becoming such a meaningful string of thoughts and memories. Really lovely!!

  2. I love how you share the meaning of your prayer flags.
    I really struggle with the tree pose myself; must continue to strive for balance in other areas too!

    Im hoping to start some flags any minute now!LOL!

  3. Yes, not all prayers are pretty, but they are all equally powerful. Thank you for being such a champion of this project.

  4. Oh Jane, I love the balance prayer flag.....actually I love all of them...but the balance one is awesome. The tree pose is a perfect icon for balance ....I am going to go do one right now. I hope I remember to breathe.


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