Friday, August 12, 2011

"Training" for France 2012

French Pastries
Oh the sacrifices I make for art! (I used the Luminarte Twinkling H2O's for the pink cookie, since it was so sparkley.)
French Pastries
I'm teaching in the South of France (yes!!!) in September 2012. (The Art Walk...Leisurely walking and watercolor...along the coast of the Mediterranean staying in Nice for 6 nights.... More photos and details here too.
So I must 'get in shape' by drawing and painting French things.
French Pastries
We'll be drawing in cafes, farmers markets and parks....Notice I start with the cafe subject matter first...
French Pastries

French Pastries
I'll be adding a croissant to this I'd better do some walking first.
Go over to Gloria Hansen's blog for the HOT summer blog hop giveaway!


  1. these look delicious!! the paintings and the pastries :)

  2. LOL. I love the photo of the painting and the real cookie with a bit out of it! You have more discipline than I do. I could not have waited that long!

  3. Your work is so vibrant and amazing!! I love it!!

  4. Love it! You've made me hungry. French pastries are so special.

  5. Positively mouth-watering! :9

  6. Delicious. Can't wait to see more.
    xx d.

  7. Someone's been eating the display. mmmmm such good restraint! One understands the need to prepare for your journey.

  8. Rachel Kopel8/14/2011 8:57 AM

    Jane, I think there are some serious artistic errors in all of those. You really need to do them over, maybe several times, until they are really perfect. :-)

  9. I love sketching like this. Looks good enough to eat!!


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