Monday, September 05, 2011

BeBop's got a new bed

BeBop's new bed
BeBop has taken this gorgeous kitty bed as his own. It is the most wonderful gift from one of my online students that I met in person for the first time last week. THANK YOU dear Knitanista!!!


  1. A beautiful cat and a beautiful bed too. What a great gift.

  2. What a thoughtful gift!!!!! And a lucky cat!

  3. Bebop looks awesome in it! I'm so touched you posted that! And thank you whyducks and Tina for those thoughtful comments!

    It was a pleasure meeting the amazing instructor I've gotten to know via online! I recently came across a stash of drawings I did as a kid. I realized that innocent childhood love of drawing got tainted as I got older. For some reason that carefree drawing innocence can disappear and judgment kicks in and can paralyze the drawing process. You are a magical instructor because you get us so passionate about the process we forget the fears...and I have seen students who thought they couldn't draw (for whatever reason) come out of your classes doing beautiful work!
    I love my Jane LaFazio sketch of the keys! Not only is it gorgeous, but the key puns are way funny and make me laugh whenever I look at it on my gallery wall!
    Give a pet to those LaFazio kitties for me and thank you for the lovely post!

  4. What a neat kitty bed! Alas, I won't be meeting you in person come October as it ended up being too much money for my grandkids and I at present but maybe someday!

  5. What a hoot! Bebop looks so Purrrfect in this wonderful bed!

  6. Now I've got a song in my head, to the tune of "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag." It is "BeBop's Got a Brand New Bed." LOL

    My, he is a lovely cat. But I have heard so many negative things about Siamese cats. I hope he does not bite! Such lovely eyes.


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