Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle trees are blooming in San Diego right now. I love them and am fascinated with all the colors they come in. I took these photos on my neighborhood walk.
sherbert pink
lavender pinkpale pink
lipstick pink
The red is my favorite. 
Below is one right in our backyard, that I see everyday from my kitchen window.
back yard


  1. Nice post! I didn't know that about the trees.

  2. I love 'em too, but we have two right by our pool, and their falling petals require 24/7 surveillance so that they don't clog the filter! Poor planning during planting!!! (but that was the previous owner, and I love the trees too much to remove them!)


  3. These are beautiful trees. I wish we had them here.

  4. I also love the funny pods they leave behind after the bloom is gone. I hope you'll share pictures of the pods in a few weeks!

  5. Oh how pretty, like frilly petticoats. Wish we had them in the UK, so lovely. Thanks for showing us.

  6. And they bloom after most of the usual summer flowers are on their last legs!!! Such welcome brightness!!

  7. I love them too for late Spring, Summer flowers. I've ten in my gardens, and with it just being early Spring here in Australia some are just starting to leaf up only. The colours you captured with your camera are delightful Jane.

  8. Je ne connaissais pas ces fleurs... Elles sont incroyablement belles et leurs couleurs sublimes...
    Gros bisous et merci pour ces belles photos.

  9. Crape Myrtles have really grown on me since moving to Annapolis, Maryland. We have one in our front yard now but the flowers are not nearly as gorgeous as the ones in your post!

  10. I love these trees, planted purple & pink in my yard. they bloom all summer here. If you look on mt website, you will see several pieces done about these trees.

  11. They line the streets here - I have a "white chocolate" crepe myrtle in my yard. Brownish purple leaves and white blossoms.

    We call the purple ones "grape turtles."


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