Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm in Portland Oregon and today is my birthday

art and soul Portland!
Today is my birthday and I'm in Portland, Oregon teaching at Art & Soul. You know, I'd love it if you wished me happy birthday, over on facebook. Or better yet, surprise me in Portland?


  1. I don't have access to FB here at work, but I'll wish you happy birthday here.

    Happy birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday! I don't have FB!

  3. Happy birthday and have a wonderful day in Portland! :-)

  4. I am not on FB much these days, so shall wish you a very happy birthday here, with hopes that the year ahead sees many dreams come true, and brings you much joy!

  5. I would love to surprise you, but I am having cataract surgery today and I will not be able to get away - no driving a car for me today!! But, Hippo Birdy Two Ewes. I ordered a beautiful day for you.

  6. Not on facebook, so I'm wishing you a very Happy Birthday here. Hope you have the BEST day!

  7. Oh Jane - I couldn't even make it to Saluda, NC when you were there last summer - how could I possibly make it to Portland or, better yet, Orvieto???? LOL

    Happy Birthday wishes coming your way from me here in Atlanta.


  8. Happy Birthday!! Have a fun class!

  9. Happy Birthday!!!!!!! mine is coming up in a couple days. Sounds like a fun class. I look forward to your blogsposts of classes.
    Happy Birthday

  10. Bon anniversaire de Paris!

  11. Happy Birthday, Jane! I wish I could hop in the car and help you celebrate. Might I suggest a trip to Moonstruck Chocolates (they have cafes on SW Alder, Pioneer Square, &NW23rd) to celebrate? Enjoy your day!

  12. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youi, happy birthday dear jane, happy birthday to you!xxjust as well you can't hear me !!!!xxxhope you have a great time.xxlynda

  13. Well Jane, I don't want to be on facebook, but whish you a very happy birthday thís way!

  14. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day....have lots of cake!

  15. Happy Birthday...have a great day:)

  16. Happy Birthday whereever you find yourself! Hope its a great day.

  17. Happy Birthday Jane! I hope you've enjoyed many magical and unexpected birthday surprises today! Celebrate well and enjoy cake! Wish BIG!

  18. Not on FB, not in Portland, so this is the only way right now: happy birthday, with people you like and love, and good food and wine (or beverage of choice).

  19. Too funny I was just viewing your dvd "from art journaling to art" and logged on....So Happy Birthday and thanks for all the inspiration!
    cheers, dana

  20. Happy B Day and congratulations on being accepted into the Visions show.......I keep up with you...ha.

  21. Happy birthday Jane!!!hope ur having a great time in Portland!!!
    I just returned from Orvieto for Jill Berry's class...what a wonderful experience that was! now I am greedily waiting for Tesoro del Corazon to open for registration!
    Have a great rest of your birthday !
    Sue Young

  22. Dear Jane,
    Happy Birthday from Karin d.B. @ Torrey, Utah at the entrance to Capital Reef National Park ....too far from you to visit. Have a fab celebration and many xoxoxo to you!!!

  23. Oh wish I could be at art and soul in Portland! have a happy birthday!

  24. Hope you had a terrific day. Next week I'll be old enough for social security. Now there is an appalling thought! Next year it's your turn!

  25. Happy birthday and have a wonderful time, all the best for you...


Thanks so much for visiting!