Friday, September 09, 2011

Quilting Arts TV Series 800

 sitching your drawing  segment QA TV series 800
Pokey Bolton and Me
Quilting Arts TV Series 800 is out! I always buy the set of DVDs and watch them again and again while I'm working in my studio. I made 3 appearances in this series. That's Pokey Bolton and I on the set, when I filmed in Cleveland in February of this year.
My art is on the cover! left side, middle left is a bit of my Nostalgia Series.

Machine Felting QA TV Series 800
Episode 809 I showed how I do my machine needle felting and you can download the article I wrote for Quilting Arts magazine here.
 sitching your drawing  segment QA TV series 800
Episode 802, I show how I do transferring sketches onto vintage linens.
epidsode 2 sitching your drawing the set
Episode 803, I demo-ed some techniques used in my Nostalgia quilt series.  

1 comment:

  1. I've seen it! You were fabulous, and much more animated than "your's truly"... I love the show, just wish it was available on my PBS stations...


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