Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Radio interview: me and Lesley Riley

Listen to internet radio with Art And Soul Radio on Blog Talk Radio
I love Lesley Riley! She's talented, kind, accomplished, and generous. And she gave me my start by interviewing me for Cloth Paper Scissors magazine back in 2007.
Lesley was kind enough to interview me again, recently, for BlogTalkRadio. Grab a cuppa and take a listen.


  1. I enjoyed your interview, Jane. I love you approach to art - daily practice and doing something, even if it's scary.

  2. Congratulations! I listen to Art and Soul all the time!

  3. This was a great interview, Jane. Allowed me to "know" you just a little bit better. Nice to put a voice with a face too. Thanks to you and Leslie for sharing.

  4. Jane, thanks so much for introducing me to blogtalkradio! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your interview. You are such an inspiration. I thought a lot about you and your message today - it spurs me on!



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