Friday, October 28, 2011

This and that

cps book 2011 & my journal

cpsbook 2011
Cloth Paper Scissors Book

Cloth Paper Scissors Book is full of wonderful articles from past magazines. Barbara Delaney, the editor, has chosen a wonderful, inspiration mix of projects and techniques. They've included my article on Creative Sketchbooks. Here's my article, along with my actual journal page (from my 2006 journal).
don and jane october 23_2011
Me and Husb, at a recent fundraiser for San Diego Brain Injury Foundation.

both kitties in their beds
At last, a kitty in each bed! Thanks to Knitanista

both kitties sharing


Me, being a spokesmodel (ha, in my dreams) for Secret Lentil (the dress and scarf) and Laga purses. I'm in front of the Mingei Museum, in Balboa Park, San Diego. That's a Niki de Saint Phalle sculpture.

Hey, if your read this far, you deserve a chance at winning a copy of The Cloth Paper Scissors Book! Leave a comment, and I choose a winner by random number on Sunday, October 30th. Be sure and check back here to see if you won!


  1. Thanks Jane! I would love to win a copy of the CPS book! BTW, I love the kitty beds!

  2. Congratulations on having your work selected for the CPS book! That is so great.

  3. Wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity.

  4. Looks like another great publication from CPS & congratulations on being part of it.

  5. Congratulations on being published in the CPS book! I just wanted to say that I love reading your blog and you always make me smile because you always look so happy! I bet it would be fun to take a class from you.

  6. Thank you for the give away; I'd love to be included in the drawing!
    The kitty beds look great!

  7. I would love a chance to win this book. I am always inspired by your sketchbook pages, you make such wonderful art.

  8. Hi Jane,
    I would love to win a copy of the book. I devour the Cloth Paper Scissors magazines that I do get but live two hours away from the closest book store which carries them.
    Love your blog! Kathy Reid

  9. Please throw my name in the hat for your drawing.
    Jan H.

  10. Sigh... I would love to win anything that has your work in it, Jane -or could you write a book yourself in future please?!

  11. Looks like a treasure book for sure! Love how your kitties share. :)
    The outfit is to die for! You model it well!

  12. "Sign me up!" I would be delighted to win a copy of the Cloth Paper Scissors book! Thank you, Jane!

  13. Congrats on appearing in another publication!! I would love to win this book.

  14. Would love to win this book. Great you have an article in it. Looks good-as usual.

  15. So sweet that you offer a give-away. Thanks for the chance!

  16. Thanks Jane. Please throw my name into the hat. I'd love to win a copy of The Cloth Paper Scissors Book.

  17. Congrats on having your article published in the book! Thanks for the opportunity!

  18. Congrats on getting your article and artwork published in the CPS book! I just love the photos of your kitties - the look so snug in their beds =)

  19. ooh! I love a giveaway... and that sculpture!

  20. Congrats on being published in the book! Also, I'm a sucker for purses and Laga purses are gorgeous! Thanks for the link!

  21. CPS has such great publications, I'd love to win a copy.I think you'd make a very good spokesmodel.

  22. Congrats on having your work featured! I love CPS, and can't wait to get a looksy into this book. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.

  23. Congratulations on your feature...beautiful. Love the kitty beds!

  24. Would be fun to have the book, but since I own every one of the magazine, maybe someone else should win! Since Suncay is my birthday (ahem!) I will be lucky all day long. Love the modeling and the sculpture, btw.

  25. Hey Jane! Susie Z. and I were at the Mengei on Tuesday to see the Bold Expressions exhibit! Bet that's why you were there too!

  26. I would looooove to have this book! Thank you, Jane!

  27. I love looking at your sketchbook pages and reading the blog. Thanks for a chance in a great giveaway.

  28. Congratulations on being featured, Jane, and thank you for the give-away opportunity!

  29. Wonderfull that you are in the CPS book. I am keeping my fingers crossed for this give way!

  30. I have read every issue from the beginning. What a nice thing to be able to just pick up a book with some great articles.

  31. I would love to win that CPS book and am looking forward to seeing your article!

  32. Linda Lubovich10/28/2011 9:51 AM

    I'd love to own this book, congrats on being selected as one of their best articles.

  33. Congratulations! It would be fab to win the CPS book. But Jane... you could easily have enough material for your OWN book! Love taking your classes. Thanks.

  34. Thanks for the chance to win!

  35. I love your dress! The sculpture isn't too bad either, but the dress is wonderful! I'd love to have all my favorite CPS articles handy, thanks for the opportunity!

  36. Hey if I win I can get the book from you in Houston. (I'm taking your felting class Friday evening.)


    e14studio blog link

  37. I've purchased all the magazines but I'd still love the book.

  38. Thank you! I would LOVE to win a copy of this book
    Congratulations on being included

  39. Nothing like a giveaway to bring a lurker like me into the comments! I'm inspired by your blog and your work on a daily basis and have had the CPS book on my wish list since I learned of it's publication. Thanks for the chance to win!

  40. Hi Jane, it is my birthday today so what better gift than the CPS book! Thanks for the chance to win.

    Allison O.

  41. Alice-Ann Ferderber10/28/2011 12:16 PM

    Of course I read that far! The kitties look really comfy in the new and the older bed. I would love to win the book. AA

  42. This looks like such a great book, I would love to win a copy. I really enjoy your blog and visit every day.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Congratulations on being published in the CPS book! I just started my first ever art journal so I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity Jane!

  45. your blog is an inspiration to me...I would love to win a copy.Thankyou Jane!!

  46. Beautiful Jane. Inspiring as always. The CPS book looks just wonderful. xx

  47. Wow Looking great! It looks like a really inspiring book. I would love to win it!

  48. Hi Jane, As always, another delightful insert from you and hope whoever wins enjoy the CPS mag. Greetings from South Africa!

  49. Hi Jane,I would Love to have the book! CPS is one of my favorite mags!

    Jan Richie

  50. Love how the cats are equal opportunity bed users.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. don't you just love the Niki sculptures? they are so colorful and full of life--just like you, Jane. always enjoy your work and your blog. thanks, dana

  52. Your blog and QA articles are always inspiring. Thanks for your generous offer.

  53. Looks like you are having fun and leaving inspiring tidbits for the rest of us. Thanks.

  54. Nice to be included in the book, Jane! Love those cat beds.
    Margaret F.

  55. Sure wish I were taking your current sketching class. These pages in the book look wonderful. Maybe I'll be lucky and win the book.

  56. I love these compendium books...reminds me to go back and look through them again!


  57. Jane,
    Congrats! on the book. I love your sketchbooks and Jeanne really enjoyed your class and even used the circle technique on our annual ATC exchange.
    I would love to read your article in the Cloth,paper,scissors book.
    Regards, Dorothy

  58. Jane, I always love your art and recognize it when I see it. Cool!
    You HAD to be in the CPS book, no question.

  59. Hi, Jane,
    I was taking an eBay seminar with a couple of your Random Arts friends at the college where I teach, and they gave me a card and were explaining their new shop while looking over my current gallery showing. I recognized your name immediately from CPS, so I hope to be able to make it over to Saluda soon to see their new store. Enjoying the website; will check out your Etsy space also.

  60. Congrats on your article being included, and thanks for the giveaway.. they are everywhere these days - like Christmas in advance for crafty folk!!

  61. Lovely sketch book and I love the kitty beds! The blue highlight in your hair is adorable too!

    Would love a chance to win! Thank you : )

    pink and green mama

  62. would love a chance to win, thank you for the offer. not that I hold out much hope with all the comments!

  63. Love your blog, and would love to win! ~Kat

  64. lovely kitties and beautiful beds for them
    I am looking for your cloth paper article ...joelle

  65. great photos! Congratulations on your article being in the CPS book. I would love a copy of the book!

  66. Congratulations on the publication of your article. Also on that lovely photo of you - wecould do with seeing more models who look like you! I would love to be included in the draw for the book.

  67. Looks like a fantastic book to me. Thanks for your inspirational blog.

  68. Thanks for the chance to win the book! I read that far in every one of your posts!

  69. Hi Jane,
    I continue to be inspired by all your creative energy and the artistic community you are part of. Having fun with the watercolor class too. I aspire to do much more like perhaps the sketchbook challenge? We'll see...thanks for being my spark. I would love to win the Cloth, Paper, Scissors book.

  70. How wonderful to be featured, but then you do great work all the time! Patsy from

  71. Hi Jane,
    You are an inspiration.
    Thank you for entering my name to win.

  72. gayle - squetcher10/29/2011 7:55 AM

    Love your journal page!....and the kitty beds. The book looks very interesting. I would love to win it.

  73. Congratulations Jane!! A well- deserved honor!!!! Gorgeous page !!!!! Thanks for the chance to win it!!!(I am saving my $$ for San Miguel!!!) lol

  74. You for sure could be a spokesmodel for Secret Lentil! Thanks for the opportunity to win the CPS book. I've got my fingers crossed.

  75. Love your work and CPS knew they had a winner with your article. Fingers crossed as I would love to win.

  76. I would love to win a copy of the CPS book - it looks awesome! :)

  77. Jane you are looking great! Love your adventurous spirit! I would love to receive this book! I appreciate your generosity!

  78. Hi Jane! Have you seen the Nikki Saint Phalle Sculpture Garden in Escondido's Kit Carson Park? I love visiting your site, I learn soooo much! I would love to get a copy of The Cloth, Paper, Scissors Book.

  79. Thanks for the chance to win the CPS Book. I would love it. I also wanted to say I very much enjoy your style of drawing, painting and quilting. It is so much fun, yet very beautiful.

  80. congrats on another publish! love the cat beds too, and thanks for the chance at the book!

  81. It would be wonderful to win the book. Thanks for the chance. Also love the kitty beds. Some day I should make one for my sister. They are delightful.

  82. Hi Jane,
    I am so glad I found your blog. Your work is beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  83. I enjoy your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win the CPS book.

  84. Thanks for this opportunity. I always like books and learning new techniques. Congratulations on having your article in the book. Ambal

  85. Congratulations!! I have been following you and your art for some time and I'm always impressed by the beautiful work you create and your willingness to share it with all of us!

  86. I would love to win this book. I guess my comment didn't get published for some reason. So I will try again. Janet Wright


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