Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cuba ~ Spiritual Practice

Cuba ~ church interior

Cuba ~ church interior

Cuba ~ church interior
We visited a church, with its American Pastor. They have programs for the community, including this Senior Citizen one. That's husb, saying hola to everyone.
Cuba ~ church interior  Cuba ~ senior citizens
Cuba ~ sketchbook pages


Cuba ~ Santoria  Cuba ~ Santoria
Santeria, is a belief that's a combination of African and Cuban, with it's own symbols and rituals. We visited a small neighborhood  (Callejon de Hamel) in Havana, covered in these mysterious (to me) imagines.

Cuba ~ Santoria Cuba ~ SantoriaCuba ~ Santoria

Cuba ~  

Cuba ~ Santoria
Tomorrow's post exterior walls in Cuba


  1. What a colorful, mysterious set of photos. Beautiful to the eye and spirit.

  2. The whole country, through your lens, is a work of art! I especially like the little girls on that interesting "couch."

  3. This photo report just gets better and better. Thanks!

  4. Your photos are great, Jane! Thanks for sharing them...


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