Monday, January 16, 2012

Cuba ~ Tobacco Farm

Cuba ~ tobacco farm
This is Viñales Valley, about 2-1/2 hours drive from Havana. We visited Concha and Paco Ramirez and their extended family. Paco grew up on this family farm, went to college, and then returned to continue his family's 100 year tradition of farming tobacco.
Cuba ~ tobacco farm  Cuba ~ tobacco farm
He grows tobacco, on the 40 acres, along with rice, beans, tomatoes and lettuce. There are also cows (we had pork for lunch) and an assortment of animals. He explained (through our guide) that he 'gives' 90% of the tobacco to the government, and in return they provide the equipment, fertilizer etc to farm. When asked by one of our group, what does he do with the other 10%? He smiled, told us he saves the best for himself, and rolls his own cigars. At the point, he lit one up, from the pocket full he carried. 
Cuba ~ tobacco farm  Cuba ~ tobacco farm
Hand rolled cigars (20 for 20 pesos) and the 100 year old cigar mold he uses.
Cuba ~ tobacco farm Cuba ~ tobacco farm
Cuba ~ sketchbook pages

Cuba ~ tobacco farm
That's the Ramirez house, dwarfed by our tour bus.
Cuba ~ tobacco farm
Nothing like a good cigar a a cup of sweet coffee after lunch!
Cuba ~ tobacco farm  Cuba ~ tobacco farm
They had neighbors to entertain us then fed us a delicious lunch (pork, rice and beans) and dessert was mango jam and a slice of cheese. (quite good!)
Cuba ~ sketchbook pages
Cuba ~ tobacco farm
Tomorrow, textures and trains in Cuba.


  1. I am so loving this tour of Cuba. Thanks so much for sharing. Of course I love seeing your journal too.

  2. This has been a wonderful week of posts from you--tanks for the pictoral tour of Cuba, Jane--second best to being able to travel there in person! Also, Love the pictures of you and hubby, expecially that last one; you two look so happy and really comfortable in each others arms--nice to see!

  3. Un beau voyage... Des photos splendides... Merci pour cette magnifique publication.
    Gros bisous

  4. Jane, I am in love with your Cuba trip! I am now adding this to the list of MUST see places! I love salsa, architecture, mojitos and cuban food. I must must MUST go!


Thanks so much for visiting!