Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Prayer Flag #19: Grounded

prayer flag #19 Grounded
Prayer Flag #19: Grounded. Defined as: mentally and emotionally stable : admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious.  And I like the electrical definition too: A direct physical connection to the earth
Read about how I created this flag, over on the Prayer Flag Project blog. And while you there, check out How to Participate, and join me and others in making flags.

Don't forget to leave a comment on my January 1st post for a great giveaway!


  1. Jane, this is great. I love the use of Scrabble tiles. I shop garage sales for old scrabble games and other such sources of 'treasures' when I can. Missing pieces aren't an issue if you plan to use them like this!

  2. Jane,

    Great idea, my daughter gave me some but I bdidn't know the significance of the colours. I will hang mine with more consideration now.

  3. I love this on every level!!! Hugs!

  4. This is great! I have a piece titled Grounded also. It was made in response to my fathers funeral. On the hill was a huge tree. My father was a pilot in the Army. Included is a broken feather to symbolize a grounded pilot, many layers of fabric like the ground of our deceased rest, and I felt grounded after making the work. see it on my website www.KevanArt.com


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