Saturday, January 07, 2012

walking and watercolors

Sketchbook: from my walk
I took a walk in my neighborhood, and picked up these bits of nature, a pod, an acorn and some round eucalyptus leaves. When I got home, I drew and painted them in my 9x12 journal.
Sketchbook: from my walk

Sketchbook: from my walk

Sketchbook: from my walk

Sketchbook: from my walk

Years ago, like in 1994? I did this watercolor painting (below). We were in Seattle for a few days, and everyday I'd walk around Greenlake and pick up a bit of nature. Then I'd come back and draw and paint it. The composition just developed and I think I added some bits of map and text. I look at this piece now (well, this lousy photo of the long ago sold piece) and am amazed at how my work is heading in the exact same direction...
Don't forget to leave a comment on my January 1st post for a great giveaway!


  1. Jane, I love how your style has evolved since the 1994 piece!

  2. Thanks, Jane. Love how you incorporated the leaves into the background with the inset squares holding the pods and more colorful items. Very inspiring.

  3. I also love how your technique has evolved. And it is the circle of life that is bringing you back around to a place you have been before.

  4. I love the beautiful colors that you use. What is the name of journal that you use? Colors?

  5. oh i so love this , the colour just grabs you,

  6. Love those liquidamber seedpods. We have liquidamber trees planted in the grass strip along our street and they are just beautiful, especially in summer and autumn (although DH doesn't agree when he has to clean up the leaves!. My phone screen has a picture I took of a pods washed up on the footpath after a storm.

    Jacqui (in Auckland, New Zealand) where we seem to have had rain for months - so much for summer!

  7. I JUST drew some of the (is it sweet gum trees?) spiky balls! I love those things too.


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