Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Kindness Chronicles

the kindness chronicles

The Kindness Chronicles. Inspired by my friend, Lyric Kinard's series of blog posts in December, with the theme of  "Making the World a better place with the joy of service and finding beauty in kindness," I'm starting a monthly post call The Kindness Chronicles. On the first Sunday of every month, I'll write a post about simple random acts of kindness. I'll write about what I've done, not in a bragging way, but to hopefully inspire you, dear reader, to do similar kinds of things. Just being conscious of those small acts, I hope, will encourage you to do more of them. Smile at strangers. Give compliments freely. Let someone ahead of you in line. Buy coffee for someone you don't know. Give a handout, a blanket, a sandwich to a homeless person. Give someone a flower. Offer a discount. Whatever.

So stay tuned. My first Kindness Chronicles post will be March 4, 2012, the first Sunday of the month. Lyric will be joining me in this, and I'll link to her blog each first Sunday and she to mine.  Would you like to join us? If you've got a blog, and want to participate, email me with your name and blog address and I'll send you the jpeg of the logo above. I just want to be kinder and encourage more kindness in the world. Maybe we can start a trend


  1. Thank you, Jane, what a kind thing to do, to bring attention to the importance of kindness. :) I am looking forward to reading the chronicles. Mindful kindness.

  2. Sooz Weissberg2/25/2012 7:38 AM

    Looking forward to March 4th !! :D

  3. I love this…You're already such a great example of kindness. This takes it up a notch and brings awareness of how simple things like kindness makes the world a better place.

    Not sure how it works, but I'd like to put your badge for the Kindness Chronicles on my blog and link it over to yours so people can get inspired. To participate, do I also write a kindness post first Sunday of the month?

  4. Jane... I am so inspired by this project. The world can always use kindness. Sign Me Up!

  5. wonderful! so either grab the logo and put it on your blog, and use it for your first sunday blog post, or email me (email address in the blog post) and I'll send you the jpeg.

  6. I'm in! Kindness is like sunshine, and I love the sun!

  7. I SO love this idea. I've done Random Acts of Kindness "contests" on my blog before, but this will be much easier, and more fun! Thanks, Jane.

  8. What a wonderful idea! I look forward to reading your posts and participating as well.

  9. A wonderful light spreading idea! Will it be like a link party? Thinking about what i can do already! Patsy from

  10. I love this idea and passed a link to your blog on. I wonder where I could get a t shirt like the yoga teachers. . .


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