Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Geography of Loss workshop

Life is made up of moments, many of them precious.
On March 17, I had the pleasure of co-teaching a workshop, "Geography of Loss, creating an art quilt map"  with Patti Digh, author of "Life is a Verb" and other books. You can see the description of the workshop here. We plan to teach this again, together, so stay tuned.
Our students wrote...
 and they composed with cloth...

 and they stitched...
and listened... 
and heard each other's stories...
Art does heal. 

Even Patti learned to stitch!

Thank you,  glorious women, for coming to the workshop
with open hearts and participating fully.
Thank you for spending your precious time with us.


  1. What an interesting work shop :)

  2. looks like a great class, and i agree, art does heal

  3. Wow! That's a big group of smiling faces. How wonderful.

  4. Davi showed me her piece yesterday and, as i knew i would, i was drooling!!!
    Congrats to you two!

  5. I wish there were more opportunites for healing through art. Art is such a powerful was to express emotions.

  6. I'm new to your blog, but just had to write to tell you what a wonderful, and most healing, workshop this looked to be.

  7. Looks like a great class! Congrats

  8. Art does heal, and it works when nothing else will. I think it can be a form of prayer. I'd like to see more of what was made. Even making my 'own version' of what you described after being inspired by the class description has been helpful. I want to push the boundaries and do MORE. The picture of the smiling women holding their art made me think, "so much sorrow surrounded by so much joy." Peggy in Tulsa

  9. hi Jane... yes, I know you are "more" than 200, but I want to share you with my friends. So I am taking some artistic license with the numbers on the Award... because of your wonderful sharing, and your creative ideas... hope that is ok with you...one day we will meet. hugs, v

  10. What a POWERFUL Workshop Jane.. I bet you came away from that day feeling both uplifted and heavy hearted.

  11. What a fantastic workshop! Bring it to the east coast!


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