Tuesday, January 01, 2013

ONE word for 2013

my friends words for 2013
my facebook friends' words for 2013 ~ graphic by me, Jane LaFazio

My word for 2012 was Preparation. Do go read the post...and I got 295 comments when I asked what my readers think makes a good teacher!  Then, I did a summary of what makes a great teacher.  Keeping preparation in mind throughout the year served me very well. I got more organized and really took to heart the comments and suggestions of my readers and I worked hard to become a better teacher.

“Every moment is enormous and it is all we have.”
~ Natalie Goldberg

So, I thought long and hard about what my word for 2013 would be, and I just kept coming back to LOVE. I tried to come up with some cool, clever, original word, but really, didn't John Lennon have it right? (VIDEO below)

So, my word for 2013 is LOVE.  LOVE for my husband,LOVE for my days, LOVE for my friends,LOVE for my students and LOVE for life.
my word for 2013
doodle by Jane LaFazio

How we spend our days is, of course,

how we spend our lives. Annie Dillard


  1. What word could be better! It covers it all!

  2. So simple and so true. I hope it all comes for you. The video is fabulous. Costumes from the St Pepper era, such young faces and even Mick Jagger in the audience. This was a good way to start my day and year

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Jane,
    Love everything you do! Tried to follow your link to purchase your new DVD---the recycled circles one and it doesn't show up on the Interweave site. Perhaps it will be there after the holiday? Thanks, Jill Holmes

  5. Hi Jane. I hope you don't mind that I had chosen the same word. Of course you don't mind! There can never be too much love. Happy 2013!

  6. What a perfect word for 2013, because we are going to need a lot of it this year! Out of love comes tolerance for others, something the world is very short of.
    Martin Luther King said "Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that". We can reach out to others through our art; paint brushes and pens are far more powerful than the gun!

  7. It wasn't hard for me...my OLW is change ;)

  8. Jane, I loved this post! ....and I also loved SpinningDownUnder's comment and MLK quote.
    Thanks for the video. John was always my favorite Beatle, and it is nice that he is gaining more respect these days, some 30 years after his death.

    Best wishes for a very loving 2013!


  9. My word is "clarity" ... Blogged... Http://e14studio.blogspot.com

  10. Just perfect Jane. The word and the video - if "it" isn't done with love it probably is just not worth doing. Thanks for reminding me about this.

  11. It is one four letter word we should all want to speak! Thank you for your lovely self!!!!!


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