Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Playing with my stencils ~

using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
So, you know I have designed a line of stencils, right? Six different botanical themed stencils.
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
I've been playing with them on fabric.
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
This piece was created with spraying through the stencil. (You can see the start of this piece here.)
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
I layered the fabric using my stencils and then hand stitched the designs. I also did some reverse applique, again, using my one of my stencil designs.
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
using my stencils
art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio

using my stencilsusing my stencils
For these, I used my gelli plate and my stencils to create some cloth for future projects.
using my stencils

Here's another piece, that's nearly finished.
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
Stenciled on fabric and organza, layered and machine and hand stitched.
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio

using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio

using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio

using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
This piece was created with my stencils, a gelli plate and a hand cut freezer paper stencil. It's still in progress.
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
using my stencils
detail of  art quilt ~ by Jane LaFazio
I'm quite proud of my stencils. 

You can purchase them at StencilGirl Products.
Stencils designed by me Stencils designed by me Stencils designed by meStencils designed by meStencils designed by meStencils designed by me


  1. I've got a pocket full of dreams of having time and space to play with my art supplies.

  2. Haha.. My son's pacifier

  3. AWESOME looking stencils Jane!
    From the 1980's, wow - I don't even own anything anymore from the 1980's. I did however find a $5 bill in my winter coat, which is major as I normally only carry my debit card....that was a nice surprise.

  4. I have a pocketful of hope in one and in the other resolution to ensure I use both with the understanding that action cancels out fear.

  5. Today I have a heart shaped stone from North Beach in Port Townsend, WA. My late husband and I used to pick up heart shaped rocks while walking together. He has been gone 8 months and I miss him every day.

  6. Empty pockets but a big heart, and a wish that I had found a $20 bill when I put my hand in my pocket!

  7. Geez! My standard pocked fillers... tissue (for blowing my always drippy nose!) and Sugar Free Werther's Originals, which I use to keep me from putting far worse things in my mouth!
    Meanwhile, I am hoping to be the name you draw for your stencil giveaway... what fun you are having with them! I can see the hours and hours of joy I would get from making one-of-a-kind fabric and art featuring your designs!

  8. Jammed in there with my car keys, hmmm... let's see, a wad of wool fiber, a crumpled up paper towel covered with paint or is that dye? a small hand sewing project for when I get a minute, a few ibuprofen tablets, my reading glasses, a couple of safety pins, a few beads, oh that's where I put that spool of red thread...

    I could go on but I guess my pocket isn't really that big :) Thanks for such a lovely give away. Your stencils are wonderful.

  9. I have 1 and 1/2 pairs of gloves: two cream with beige stripes (or is it beige with white stripes?), one black. I have a ticket stub for the movie Life of Pi (loved it). Chap stick (I pass it to my son each morning on the way to school), his printed out schedule for the new term that started January 8th. A toy from a Sonic kid's meal that I bought for myself (grilled cheese with tomato, ice tea, tatter tots)it's a stuffed tot with bunny ears, cute. And last, a napkin from Caribou Coffee. It asks me the question: "I stay awake for...". Well, when a napkin asks a pithy question like that you just have to answer: Loving my Son, Teaching, Making Art. Oh, and to see what amazing thing happens next.

    1. Oh, I love napkins that ask pithy questions!

  10. What amazing results, love what you did and the stencils are fantastic, would love a chance to win! So waving my hand in the air BIG TIME!

  11. This IS SO wierd!!!
    This morning I grabbed a pair of blue jeans off a hangar where I must have hung them after ironing....after machine washing them.
    As I pulled up the zip, thinking.............yeah!! Ive lost abit of weight since I last wore these lol...........
    I could hear something crinkly...
    Odd thunk I. There's something in the back pocket...
    It was a £10 note!!!
    Mind you its been machine washed, dried on the washing line and then ironed hidden in the back pocket as it was.
    Its faded out, as fine as tissue paper but fortunately the serial numbers could be JUST identified.
    The bank exchanged it for me and I thought Im £10 better off.....so went and bought a bundle of fat quarters!!
    All plains that would be wonderful to faff on with stencils...
    .....but at this point Im sure my luck will run out!
    Spooky though, that happening and then reading your post!
    The stencils look absolutely wonderful!!

  12. I have a pen in my pocket, useful for all notes to be taken at work to remind me what I have to do and in what order. Also sooo useful to create little drawings while I am on "hold" with various places. Also some pocket lint and pocket string, you can be really creative with these in a pinch!
    Love your new stencils, I love to use botanicals in my work.

  13. This year my pocket is full of possibilities. Regardless of what is going on im life, all I need to do to get myself back on track is to reach into my pocket and grab hold of a possibility. It's a reminder that my dreams are possible and all I need do is work hard at them and create the opportunity for them to come true.

  14. I have my second best friend Fabio (aka my iPhone) in my pocket. He goes and does everything with me I can snap photos of fun ideas I can sketch out my inspirations with a drawing app, he can lead me to a gallery where a friend is waiting and he can even help me call my first best friend (my husband)...that's when I set Fabio aside he needs his alone time anyway!

  15. I've got a pocket full of ponies. Well, pony/horse treats. It's best be prepared when I see the herd, the old fellas know I have them and come up to me with expectant bright eyes. I break them in half for those with not many teeth. Of course I spread the love (treat crumbs) when I retrieve something additional I've put in those pockets! Love your stencils!

  16. This isn't very "creative" but I have a flea comb for my cats in my pocket right now!!

    I love your new stencils, thanks for the opportunity to win them.

  17. A heart shaped crystal, a tissue, the Brooklyn, NY address I sent my sketchbook project to, a luggage claim receipt I fished out of my husbands pants when I took them to the cleaners and a dog biscut.

  18. let's see a sort of crinkled tissue for a drippy nose, sugar free gum to stave off hunger, car key and shopping list -- nothing to exciting -- love what you did with the stencils -- hope I win -- I am going to try real hard to see you in Saluda in June -

  19. Let's see...an interesting piece of rusted metal that I found on my morning walk, cat hair, a covered rubber band for pulling my hair back when I can't stand it on my neck later today, a Sharpie pen for doodling while waiting for my students, my MP3 player so I can continue to listen to the biography of Mick Jagger when I have free time, the key to my classroom on a red coil cord, I wish I could say there was some money, but no, however, there is hope hiding in there that I might win those wonderful stencils!

  20. Today my coat pockets hold lip balm in a silver tube, hunch money (for whatever), 4 ticket stubs from events, a found button, a leftover folded popcorn bag with pretty red stripes, 3 fabric swatches I'm trying to match, and my black leather gloves with a hole worn in the seam of the iPad finger.

  21. When putting on my favorite coat for the first time this winter, I felt something, as I slid my hand inside the pocket. It was a $5.00 bill! All of a sudden I remembered that I told myself the previous year, that I would leave it there, as a little gift to myself for the following winter. I think I may up the anty for next year, maybe a $20.00!!

    Would love to win your wonderful stencils Jane!!

    thank you so much for a chance..

    Hugs and Smiles,

    Susan H.

  22. my pen, a tissue, a peppermint[for that tickly cough],and a chocolate bar...actually the chocolate is on my desk, ...

  23. The pocket in my painting apron is my best. At any one time it holds - paint rag (I work in oils a lot) iPhone - or I can never find it when it rings and my iPod - which helps me not hear the phone!

  24. It is bitter cold and I put on a pair of fleece pants that I hadn't worn since last winter. Inside one pocket was a lump of blond dog hair from my golden retriever who left this planet on 10/22/1;. I felt the sting of tears in my eyes I also had to smile; it is much easier to pull clean prints from my Gelli Arts plate without dog hair flying all over the place. But I'd trade a million good prints to have my dog back...
    Love your blog and your art. Also follow you on Sketchbook Challenge as well.

  25. Hi Jane,

    I love your stencils and would be thrilled to win them.

    I have a pocketful of sunshine that I am saving for our next cloudy day.


  26. Hmmm there are some crumbs from who knows what, a pad of paper (yes an entire mini pad!), some cat hair (those are a given), a cell phone and set of keys with my new key chair from weight watchers indicating that I have lost 10% of my starting weight! Yay for me!

  27. hmmm...Today my pocket has a bag of dog cookies,Luden's wild cherry throat drops,and a small sketch book with black sharpie attached to it. Love your stencils...how did you apply cloth to your gelli plate?

    1. Irena, I put the cloth on the gelli plate, just like one would do with paper. easy peasy!

  28. In my pockets are things you cannot physically touch. My pockets are full of good memories of things I have done, with people I can no longer do them with. No bad memories exist in my pockets.

  29. ...my ever present pair of reading glasses. Hopefully these will be used for much play time in my studio this year!!!

  30. I've got a pocket full of anxiety, waiting on news regarding my 89-year-old father who is far away, but with family. I'm staying busy making backgrounds with my Gelli Plate and my stencils...those tissues I take out of my pocket tonight will be filled with tears of memories and love. ~~ Mary Hicks

  31. Today's pockets contain a large helping of 'keep calm and carry on' so I can effectively get thru the work day, a few tablespoons of creativity for later this evening in my studio, and a small pinch of sad that I always seem to find at the bottom.

  32. In my pocket: a rr ticket to visit my sister, sanitizer to keep the flu away, and dog treats for all my little pals along the way. When you said you sprayed the fabric through stencils, did you use something like dylusions?

  33. I finally found the perfect winter coat with BIG pockets, which might be a bad idea actually ... but today I have: a pedometer (which I should be wearing!), postage stamps, purple fuzzy fingerless gloves (knitted by my wonderful friend Celeste!), keys, cell phone (in it's fabulous felted cozy) and 10 cents in Canadian Tire dollars (which is probably something only Canadians would about).

    Love your stencils - especially the pods! Thanks Jane :)

  34. My pockets are generally fairly empty these days other than the light gray lint! Where does that come from?

  35. Two lemon lollipops from the bank two dollars left from breakfast two Burt's bees lip balms a piece of straw wrapper and a piece of sheer ribbon....an art journal page in a pocket

  36. Lysol wipes, tissues and left over beach glass. The flu is going around and I always go prepared. No time to be sick when there is art work to do. Your stencils are amazing.

  37. Ok, I reached in the pockets of the pants I wore to work today... my cell phone in one pocket. In the other pocket... a cough drop, a piece of crayon, an eraser cap, a marker cap, a rubber band and mangled paper clip I took from one of my 3d grade boys at school( he was attempting to launch it across his table) and a heart sticker that says," I love you" from a sweet Kindergartener. Art teacher pockets! :)

  38. Hi Jane
    Inspiring work as ever! Today I have an old cardy on as I am in the studio. Let's see..... I have a stitch ripper, a gold chocolate coin to have with my mid morning coffee in an hour, my ticket stub to The Hobbit which I have brought into the studio to add to a journal, 2 tiny pearl buttons that I collect and a piece of paper with my word for the year. FOCUS! After reading your "word" post I decided I too needed a word - funny thing is I keep saying it out loud and I think my family believe I am urging them on to "focus"!

  39. My pockets hold the reminders of my trip out in the 18 degree day to do quick errands; the receipt for the 12 books I checked out at the library and the receipt for the grapefruit, oranges, Sweeties, cranberries, apples, parsnips, broccoli and garlic from the local "Food Farm"...a safe drive on very slick streets...pocket memories now let me know I can feast on wonderful books and fresh nourishing food while ensconced in my bungalow stitching and knitting. Oh how I would love to win the stencils and do some great fabric marking! Kristin

  40. In my pocket is a one cent French coin that I found in my son's coat pocket while doing laundry. He spent a semester in France and hopes to be go back to France next year to teach.

    P.S. I would love to win just one of your stencils.

  41. Truthfully, I have a late slip from a student, a paper clip and a small little toy taken when there was an argument over it. The boy never got it back - I'll have to play with it tonight!

  42. I wish my pocket was full of money so I could buy your stencils and art supplies...but alas it is only full of lint;)

  43. Well today, my hands are in my pockets. It is SO COLD that I need to keep them warm. I did check to see if there was anything else in there, but didn't find anything. Just my hands.

  44. in my pocket- a lottery ticket for tonight's draw! My last day of work is Friday(my choice) but a lottery win, or a stencil pack win would make my day!
    Love your stencils, especially the fern-y one, and love the piece you are working on with that stencil.

  45. It is fun to see your excitement about your stencils. Self-enthusiasm is the best! Gosh, mostly I keep my jacket pockets empty so that the Funny Bunnies (grandchildren) can slip their hand in and keep it warm in our chilly weather. The best kind of "hand warmers." smiles: sharon

  46. A gift of a rubber band from my physical therapist to work on my weak grip caused by carpal tunnel! Yes, i'll work at it...anything to avoid surgery!

  47. In my pocket today I have my stylus for my new iPad which I love drawing and sketching on. However if I reach down a bit deeper there's a pencil - just in case.

  48. I have something in my pocket that belongs across my face...I keep it very close at hand in a most convenient place....yep...it's a great big smile...which is what I do whenever I visit this blog! Love the work you are doing incorporating your stencils in with your monoprinting and embroidery!!!

  49. My pockets hold my New Years Resolutions from any year, which always start off with "Be more creative." Also, found objects...bottle caps, lost key, one earring...to be used on a quilt. Love your stencils. I want to customize some of my shirts like a purchased one I have. Stitch down a big rectangle of tulle/gauze/netting. Then stitch down some matching lace. Then stencil over part of it with a contrasting color.

  50. $$$... went out shopping intending to use cash... of course, I found more paper, more pens, more paint... all on sale. I used my card instead. The cash is still in the pocket.

    Love your blog Jane! Thanks for your generous giveaway... hope I win.

  51. My pocket has some lint ,,, but I hope it will turn into
    Some good mojo.... I lov found things ...

  52. so was putting on my coat to walk the dog, in my coat pocket, I found some money, mostly pennies, a diet coke cap, a paper a klennix because i have a cold, a dog treat I always carry those, some string I found on the last walk with the dog, and a set of bud earphones. Would love to win the stencils, they are so beautiful,, I promise not to put them in my pocket.

  53. oooh! Today I have my boring cell phone in my (pants) pocket. I found some weird stuff recently in a rarely-used winter coat pocket: an old, (old!) set of keys, a happy meal toy, and a petrified piece of chewing gum (still in wrapper). Wow. I guess I hadn't used that coat in a decade or two. It begs the question: why do I still own this coat?!

  54. I keep a small stone in my pocket. It has become smooth from all the times I have secretly reached in my pocket to hold it. This simple act gives me a chance to take a deep breath, relax and react to life's situations as the occur.

  55. My pockets are full of all the great art I could create with your wonderful stencils along with a White Jell Pen, a Red Pen, couple of paper clips, jump drive and a receipt from Michaels when I slipped off while making a deliver to a customer!

  56. In my 1980's pocket I have the crumpled wrapper to a Bar None candy bar, a lighter, Zig-Zag rolling papers, a few seeds and my yellow sport model Walkman loaded with Michael Jackson's Billie Jean.


  58. Hmm lets see whats in my pocket... a pencil some buttons and a handfull of coins A fist full of bright shiny chocolate wrappers for addition to an art quilt thats in my mind. Id love to play and your stencils come to mind, paint an Paper,and fabric to find. Draw a design, I need lots of time .

    If I am not lucky enough to win the stencils I think I may have to buy some .

  59. All that was in my pockets today was the wish that I had thought ahead and put kitten toys in them. I was doing gelatin monopriniting and flour resist painting on fabric in the kitchen and trying to entertain the kitten with my feet so that he wouldn't jump onto my work. Throwing out a cat toy every now and then to keep him busy would have been a good idea. I'll remember it for next time. :)
    PS I would get a lot of use out of your stencils. They look wonderful.

  60. I have to say that in almost every jacket/sweater/coat pocket I can always find a doggie treat or two, or three -always have them for when I go for a walk and meet a four legged friend along the way :):)
    I LOVE your stencils and wish that along with the dog treats I'd find the money to buy them! Your prints are fabulous!!! Thank you for such a generous giveaway Jane

  61. My pockets double as snack stations. One can usually find nuts, chocolate, or a cheese stick in them. Often all at once, Hey, a girl needs to be prepared for adventure.

  62. I have creativity in my picket and am willing to share it with friends.

  63. Here in NC, we rarely need heavy coats so I usually wear a heavy sweater. Last year, after a quick cool snap before Christmas, I put it away for awhile. Later, in March, I needed something heavy in the mornings walking the dogs. When I dug in my pockets for doggie treats, I found, to my great surprise and relief, "Gloria" the angel from our ooooooold nativity! (We named her "Gloria" as children, I inherited the creche when Mama passed and was heartbroken when she went missing that Christmas.) I guess I was distracted while decorating for Christmas by a very excited pup who needed to go out, stuck Gloria in my pocket and headed out the door.
    We were all relieved to find her in my pocket but not at all surprised by it; I tend to get distracted often by one thing or another! I would welcome the distraction of your wonderful stencils, Jane, especially the seed pods! Thanks for sharing them!

  64. OK, so I already told you there was just my cell phone in my pocket, but I was looking for something to fill a "pocket" of space on a drawing I was working on...decided on a pair of deer (if anyone is interested, I've got a pic of work in progress on my FB page JackpotsPotteryStudio). I do love stencils and especially give-aways, so my fingers are crossed (and it is hard to type that way.)

  65. This is true: my daughter lives in Berlin, Germany. She couldn't come home for Christmas this year. I have a note in my pocket for the dates she will be on Spring Break from her studies. It is on egg blue paper. I wrote on it in red ink. It's important to me to block these dates on my calendar, so I can go to visit her. I was so busy at work today that I didn't get the dates blocked on my calendar. Tomorrow I will do it, no matter what.

  66. Today my pockets substituted for an extra pair of hips. I had on my fave soft grey pull on yoga type pants for a supermarket run. My wallet and chapstick on one side my other side filled with tissues. Forgot I was wearing a cutoff housework type shirt and I'm sure I looked lovely wheeling my cart around Publix.

  67. My pockets are full of sadness. I just found out a friend a long distance away had to put her beloved dog to sleep today. I know her dog is no longer suffering, but I'm very sad and wish I lived closer to my friend. If Rosey was still alive my pockets would be full of puppy treats. Thanks for the giveaway. The stencils are beautiful.

  68. My pockets are full of dreams and endless possibilities. I am glad I didn't find any holes in there, that way they won't slip through! I would love to win your beautiful stencils. Acorns are my favorite. Thank you! Carlanda

  69. Jane - I wish I had those stencils in my pocket!

    Reality: wallet, receipts, coupons (gotta save some money), movie ticket stubs (Silverlinings Playbook), bottle caps, beebee, reminder note for Scouts.

    Greater Reality: hopes and dreams, one son's hand on each side, a little stitch project, an art journal for each of us, some wash tape and some markers. You don't need much, but you do need love.

  70. My pockets are full of posies, waiting to be stenciled!

  71. Seventy-eight cents and a B vitamin

  72. I carry a pocket sized sketch pad to record the many ideas that flow throughout the day! My obsession is surface design and you never know where new inspiration will come from. I stare at gates, patterns in tree bark, the way the sun sparkles off new snow and everything in-between. I’m always game for incorporating new techniques into my work while attempting to capture a feeling on fabric. I’d be honored to receive your stencils and get wild with them!


  73. I might find that little packet of perle cotton thread and my favorite leather thimble that I packed so carefully so that I might be able to stitch a bit on the little travel quilt I brought with me on my trip to Haiti. I found out that they will let a sewing needle past security, so if I have pre-cut threads, I am all set to go! Your stencils and your handwork on them are beautiful!

  74. what's in my pocket? news of my niece's recovery from bone cancer, a cheery hello from a good friend who knows how worried I am, music to make me dance and pictures of my friends and loved ones... and a beep to remind me that it's time to get off the computer and thread a needle!

  75. Great stencils Jane!
    I've always got a dog biscuit or two in my pockets!

  76. My pockets must be full of good luck, because what a day to stumble upon your blog through Google +! I'm still learning my way around, but I am so happy to meet another art quilter.

  77. I loaned my mother this sweater last time she was here; in the pocket today I found her hanky,including her scent. (I didn't realize she still carried these lovely old hankies!) I lost my mother 6 months ago and today found her scent. She was my best encouragement in all things - so in my pocket is encouragement!
    Hopefully next I will have a pocket full of new stencils!
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  78. Sadly no pockets in my pants. My trench coat pocket has tissues and a binky. One item for the 5 year old, 1 item for the 19 month old. Wish there were art supplies in there instead. Thanks for the chance to win

  79. My pockets always seems to have dog biscuits of some kind in them. I never know when Zoe will need a little something.

  80. I have my freezing hands and a Kleenex in my pockets for the 25 degree weather in the Phoenix area. Along with that are my fingerless gloves for doing some creative work. And I have a picture of spring when we hopefully find color in plants that have survived this 5 day freeze. Your botanical stencils can help provide the color until then.

  81. I don't usually carry things in my pockets, but beside my washing machine is a little container that holds all the found objects from a little boy's pockets; pebbles, rocks of different shapes, sizes and colors, twigs and sticks, pinecones, walnut shells, coins, buttons. Glimpses into a little boys imagination, and memories of the boy he once was.

    1. that little container in your laundry room tells a life story! it would be fun to draw all the objects on a sketchbook page.

  82. Trying to give up my huge purse, so in my pocket is one metal credit card holder that holds the credit card, a few dollars and receipts. Also a tiny sketch book with pencil. Some lip balm and kleenex. Gloves if it's cold and last but not least small bag of nuts. One must always have a small bag of nuts. One might meet up with a hungry squirrel!
    I do love your beautiful stencils and would put them to good use!
    Thanks for the chance.

  83. I WISH my car keys were in my pocket. I can't find them.

  84. My pockets are full of dreams..don't have many pockets, but I do have lots of dreams.
    Your stencils are wonderful, they are worth dreaming about too!

  85. Pockets full of seeds and sunshine for spring, which stands on the threshold. Meanwhile, a vintage hankie, and plans to share.

  86. Besides the kleenex that's always there, I have a coupon for 40% off at Michaels. I NEED more Derwent inktense pencils!

  87. One of my girl friends used to say that all you needed to go out was a credit card and some lipstick. Keep in mind this was a loooong time ago. With those two items you could make some great marks on fabric or watercolor paper. This makes them great items for staying in as well!

  88. I have a pocket full of Florida dreams ! Leaving 4 Cedar Key in a week, will be creating tropical art !

  89. Laura Bray sent me here. A great recommendation. I love your work! In my pocket is...oh wait. Today I am wearing the aggrivation of clothes with no pockets. But, in my bra is my phone!

  90. Strange bits and pieces of metal and lost earrings that I find on my walk to work at a university and back. One day I'm gonna put them all together in some fantastic way!

  91. Burt's bees lip balm. Never leave home without it!

  92. Non-metaphorically: my pockets are FILLED with Kleenex (I've been sick). Love your stencils!

  93. Hi Jane. Love your stencils! My pockets are empty of things and full of ideas and possibilities. Sorry, no phones in my bra though!

  94. How do you do all this and read your comments too? Great stencils. I miss you too!

  95. Great question: "What's in my pocket today?" It has been so cold in San Diego these past few days and I was a juror heading downtown daily for jury duty for several of these cold windy days, so I dug out my coat and during a break from deliberations, put my hand in my left pocket and found a small piece of paper: a fortune from a fortune cookie! What a simple delight... It read: A financial windfall with soon be yours. How marvelous would that be?

  96. Digging deep, I've found a pocket full of resolve to finish what I've started in years past. This year, art will be my journey and I intend to enjoy the ride!

  97. Found an ink pad in my pocket. Must have absently mindedly put it in there when I heard about this stencil give away! Maybe I thought that if I carried it around with me I would win :)

    Love the pieces!

  98. I found $5 and the keys I have been missing for a week, dont know how they got there as I am sure I did not wear that coat.

  99. My pocket is overflowing with great anticipation and excitement that all my creative yearnings and ideas will be done this year :)

  100. Your stencils are fantastic, Jane! I have a pocketful of wishes that I would have a crafty friend living nearby with whom I could share creative sessions. I imagine it would be twice the fun!

  101. Sometimes my pockets are full, somtimes not. Fear runs our lives and creativity a lot of the time. You can face it head-on, or you can hide in your pocket.

  102. Hi Jane... love your work so so much !! Reading your posts, makes me think maybe I could actually give it all a try :) my pockets.... $6. and a pocket knife :) Thank you for the opportunity !! <3

  103. Gloves and a shopping list. Does that even count? I have no idea. But I'd like to win your lovely stencils anyway. Some great answers here. How are you ever going to choose?????

  104. These are gorgeous stencils and the nature theme is my favorite!
    What's in my pockets? Kleenex, and the first time ever that I reached my hand in my pockets and actually found kleenex there I broke into laughter and tears at the same time, as it evoked memories of my mom, and how she always had kleenex billowing out of all her pockets, and as I kid I just didn't get it. And then, seemingly all of a sudden, I was her!

  105. It's been years since I played with stencils on fabric. It was so much fun at the time, I wonder why I haven't done it again. Thanks for your photos of the fabric you've created, it's sparked my interest once again.

  106. In my pocket, the shopping list that I'll probably forget that I have & a lip balm which I'll also probably forget where I put it.

  107. I have one pocket full of to-dos (balance Mom's checkbook, make soup, clean the house) and one pocket full of wants (try out my new Inktense pencils, finish the lettering class I started months ago, make some cards). Guilt vs. happiness...which will win?! Love your new stencils!

  108. I've got a pocket full of sunshine!! It is so cold right now, I need it. Well, it's cold for us wimps here in San Diego, California!! Your stencils are beautiful!!

  109. "I've got a hole in me pocket!" (Ringo Starr in Yellow Submarine) pocket full of miracles? These stencils rock, probably will not fit in my pocket, but I'll make space with the fabric paints!

  110. I have a "pocket collection"--in my jacket.---stones, shells,twigs, lichens etc from my walks. Great things to sketch when I get home--and sometimes just reminders that the little things in nature are very precious. Janet Wright

  111. Your stencils are stunning- so versatile! I love how they look layered! In my pockets today? Well in one pocket I have a dirty dusting of doubt and self criticism but in the other pocket I have an overflowing handful of creative energy, enthusiasm, and belief in the power of art and self expression!

  112. As I sipped my rose dress on, I noticed a sudden movement in my right hand pocket. Holding my breath, I moved my had into my pocket searching for??? what I did not know.

    It was a ball of paper, that when I opened it, a smiling face with bright green eyes, blue hair and in capital letters was written MUSE

  113. I have dog treats, poo bags, mismatched gloves and an old tissue. The bags come in very useful when I am out and about for storing interesting finds, the rest is just ephemera of my life that may one day find itself incorporated into a mixed media piece.

  114. I have a rusty key in my pocket which I picked up on the street today. A few weeks ago, I put on a coat that hadn't been worn in months and found a bra in the pocket. I'm in my 70s and for the life of me had no memory of why it would be there. A friend had the answer. After trying on new bras in a store, I had decided that I couldn't be bothered putting the old one back on and shoved it in my pocket. I sure wish there could have been a bit of a naughty reason. Love your stencils

  115. Most of the time (after my morning walks) I have a pocket full of "junk" that I've picked up to incorporate or use as stamps for creating my art projects. I also use a lot of metal type finds to my crushed aluminum can books that I create. I am a recycler and love to use my found things (that I've carried home in my pocket) in new and creative ways. I think your stencils are yummy Jane. Would SO love to win the set. What a fabulous give away! Thanks!

  116. I have a rocket in my pocket
    That I really want to spark
    Just like my creative fire
    that lights up all my dark

  117. My Starbucks card. For some reason, buying their ice tea is such a pleasure to me, like a reward I deserve. So if I use my "gold" card I can get a free one every so often.
    You are such an inspiration, keep on doing what you do.

  118. Ha ha ha you will laugh at me but it's true - the other night I had on a jacket with a feint lurex thread through it. When I put my hand in my pocket my nail caught in a thread and out it came. It was jusy so lovely, it sparkled and 'talked' to me. So I wrapped it in a napkin to bring home and use in my crazy quilting. Everybody at the table was ready to certify me except my art quiling frind. She understood....... lol

  119. Only my phone and a tissue in my pocket! Your fabric art is amazing, oh what you can do with a piece of cloth, so much talent. Love your stencils.

  120. Aside from the dog treats, I have a crinkled piece of paper which when i touch it reminds me to do my art first and computer last. It is too easy to let the computer suck up my time. Also a lot of ideas which are screaming to be put into art.

  121. With the crisis now my pockets are empty of heavy and material things, but full of projects (p.e. Jane Lafazzio new couse), illusion and love.

    (Sorry about my English)

  122. In my pocket I find a small crumpled piece of paper with a set of numbers and a dollar bill. I take the dollar to the store and buy a ticket for the PowerBall. My numbers hit big and I win a jackpot of $150 million dollars. This money allows me to buy a new sewing machine, all the fabric that I want, and I quit my job. This new found free time from not having to punch a clock has allowed me to work on my quilting skills. I improve my quilting so well that I am asked to present around the world.

    And they say you can't buy anything with a dollar any more. :)

  123. My pockets are full of beachy stuff from my frequent walks this winter. Beach glass, agates, small pieces of driftwood, kleenex, an old grocery list and one list of stuff to do before I leave for Mexico for a month and another list of art supplies to use on the beach. Hopefully I can also pack a set of your stencils! They're wonderful!!!!

  124. Hmmm...good question. Pockets for safe keeping...pockets for storage...pockets for things that will ultimately be forgotten for a time...In my pockets today are prayers for peace, the multiple decisions that I struggle with, and fabrics, books, dyes, paints, sketchbooks...Time to clean them out, I think!

  125. the lucky penny I found on New Year's Day, which will bring me great adventures all year long.

  126. Half of a chocolate bar I ate for lunch and some metal objects and leaves I found during my walk which I will somehow put onto canvas.
    Love what you did with the stencils and the stitching is sublime!


  127. If I reached into my pocket I would most likely find my keys or some other item I just wasted half the day searching for! Plus a shopping list for whatever new art doo-dads I simply can't live without, or a list of books I'm dying to read. And maybe some chocolate, gone sadly squishy.

  128. If I reached into my pocket I would surely find my keys or some other thing that I just wasted half the morning searching for, plus a shopping list for whatever new art doo-dads I simply can't live without, or books that I'm dying to read. And probably some chocolate as well, gone sadly squishy.

  129. ...love, Love, LOVE these beautiful stencils, Jane!

    My pockets are overflowing, today (just home from a week in the Bahamas w/ my sweetie - 15th Anniversary)! Let's seeeee... I have one full of thanks & appreciation (for the chance to win these cool stencils); and one is jammed with beautiful memories of the past 15 years of marital bliss (and utter amazement, like pocket lint, speckled throughout that is has BEEN 15 years :-o); in one back pocket is a lengthy list of never-ending ideas (which does, indeed, include more experimental play with stencils this year!); the other back pocket is empty -- gotta have a place to put all the new gifts each day brings; and, finally, my 'watch-pocket' contains the incredible JOY it would give me to make a piece of work using that 'sweet gum ball' stencil!?! (they are the bane of my mother's yard upkeep -- I have never heard such ranting :-) Thanks, again!

  130. I'd love a bit of jane to share with classes when I'm demo-ing stencils! Your's are a lot better than the ones I have. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  131. Yvonne (yrd@hotmail.com)1/19/2013 3:45 PM

    Upon reading about your stencils and the giveaway I was excited as I LOVE your stencils, so I checked my pockets to find.....NOTHING, but per the following quote by Norman Vincent Peale that shouldn't hold me back from winning! My head and heart are full of awesome things I would create with those stencils!

    "Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that."
    Norman Vincent Peale

  132. Catnip! I was out in the garden cutting some leaves from our catnip plants to dry so that I can sew them into little cat toys. My neighbour popped over to ask for help for something, and I put the leaves that I'd cut into my pocket and forgot all about them!

  133. My phone, of course. A comb, my id and license, house keys, car keys and most important the key to the locker and the card with the UPC to sign in with to the gym to which I'm headed for in a few minutes!

  134. I caught a falling star and put it in my pocket, save it for a rainy day! xox

  135. My pockets are holding a foil gum wrapper, a tuft of dryer lint and a dryer sheet that didn't make it to the trash can. I could turn these into a beautiful collage piece with any of your wonderful stencils!

  136. amazing how the contents of a pocket can be so meaningful.

  137. Well, if I had pockets, (still in pj's), I would have kleenex for my 3 y/o with a ear infection, my cell phone, gum wrappers and bits of thread. Thanks for the chance at your stencils. I'm just beginning to collect them and play and I love stencils that can be used for dimension for backgrounds. I love how you play between fabric and paper. That where I find myself. I did want to add your a great inspiration!

  138. 3 hankies, one for my nose one for my paint brush & 3rd for cleaning my house plants!

  139. My pockets usually contain things I pick up on walks...acorns, pieces of flint, dead bugs, leaves, etc...
    LOVE your stencils!!

  140. Hi Jane,
    In my pocket I carry my inspirational lists. These are filled with ideas for new projects, art supplies I am low on or want to try out,the names of the instructors coming to 2013 CREATE NJ so I can check them out online (this is how I found you, though I wish I'd discovered you sooner)the classes that I might like to take at CREATE, and a reminder to myself that I really need to update my blog.
    I love what you do, and I will be back to visit. I've just signed up to follow you via email.

  141. Hi, living on three levels means my pockets, arms, and usually a plastic bag are all jammed with an assortment of goodies as I move from basement "messy studio" to third level sewing area. Today you could find the following assortment....
    ice dyed fabric, oil sticks, plastic and freezer wrap stencils, sketchbook, embroidery floss, a few stay beads and crystals and a couple of needles threaded in the fabric of my shirt.Definitely bigger pockets are needed.
