Saturday, January 26, 2013

San Diego in January

LaJolla Shores in January
LaJolla Shores in January ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

LaJolla Shores in January
LaJolla Shores in January ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Husb and I went to the beach a few days ago to LaJolla Shores. We live inland, about 20 miles, so it's a short trip. Can you tell it was a gorgeous day in the 70s! And it was low tide.
LaJolla Shores in January
LaJolla Shores in January ~
photo by Jane LaFazio

LaJolla Shores in January
LaJolla Shores in January ~
photo by Jane LaFazio

LaJolla Shores in January
LaJolla Shores in January ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

LaJolla Shores in January
LaJolla Shores in January ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

LaJolla Shores in January
LaJolla Shores in January ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

LaJolla Shores in January
surfers at LaJolla Shores in January ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
LaJolla Shores in January
LaJolla Shores in January ~ photo by Jane LaFazio


  1. Jane these photos are sublime! I can't wait to explore San Diego the minute I retire!

    1. Sharon! come to my workshop next January...Have you got your retirement date yet?

  2. wow looks like the right place to live, here in Canada we have snow and cold

  3. Don't you just love it here. I've only been here 21 yrs. and have no plans on leaving. Love the photos.

  4. Jane--so envious of pics. from LaJolla! I was born in San Diego but live in Indiana. We are having lots of rain followed by snow! I need to come HOME!!! Ha. Also working from you DVD on making a recycled circle! I took a class with you at first Create in Chicago on these with the paper/cloth method. Hoping it turns out! Estelle


Thanks so much for visiting!