Thursday, February 07, 2013

around the house~ living room/dining room

our house
Living room
our house
Cas Holmes quilt on the wall, Chad Alice Hagen and Cathy Cullis pieces on the mantel.
Green mosaic done by me.
I showed you our den recently, so I thought I'd give you a tour of the living room/dining room today. (We had company for dinner recently, and I took the opportunity to snap some photos of our clean house.)
our house
view of the dining room. Japanese prints on the wall.
BeBop and Buddy portraits by Marna Schindler.
 Recycled Circle pillow by me.
our house
Korean chest purchased when we lived in South Korea
our house
Artwork by Judy Parenio and my collection of hands

our house
JazzCat quilt by me. 
our house
Lisa Kesler  pieces in the bookcase. Ceramic Tree of Life from Mexico.
Birdcage full of sparkly lights.

our house
We recently got new laminate floors and area rugs and window coverings and we're feeling very content in our home. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Thank you for inviting us in!! It looks so warm and cozy - totally you!!!

  2. I love your home. It looks so comfortable and timeless.

  3. You have a lovely livingroom Jane. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Your home is lovely and warm. Thank you for letting us see your home. I love the reading lamps in the living room. Where did you find them?

    1. Ballard They're Julian Apothecary floor lamps. thanks!

    2. Jane, your house is such a reflection of you, the warmth and tranquility shines through, thanks for sharing.

  5. I can only echo the others. Interesting things to look at, comfortable places to sit, warm and welcoming ambiance. Just what I would expect!

  6. You have a lovely home Jane.

  7. Loved seeing your home. Thanks for the stretched canvas photos info. I want to do it!
    Miss you. Looking forward to June (which will be here in a sec, the way things are going!)

  8. Ethan's for inviting us in for a visit! I love your home: so warm and inviting, just like you & Don. I love your Cas Holmes piece!


  9. Sooz Weissberg2/08/2013 4:51 PM

    Warm, beautiful, and inviting! How did you situate that long line of candles on the mantle? It looks like maybe there's a whole separate ledge underneath the mantle; is that the case? Is it an inset shelf in the bricks? It is a wonderful effect!

  10. Such a lovely environment for you and Don to live in - thanks so much for sharing the beauty with us!

  11. Beautiful home Jane! Would you know please come to my home and help me? :)

  12. It's lovely, Jane--how can you ever leave?


Thanks so much for visiting!