Friday, February 15, 2013

Sparrow Song ~ art quilt

Sparrow Story
detail of "Sparrow Song" by Jane LaFazio
Sparrow Story
 "Sparrow Song" 11.5 x 14 inches by Jane LaFazio
I'm teaching, in San Marcos (San Diego County)
Art Quilt Explorations.
4th Sunday: Feb 24, March 24, April 28, May 26, June 23, and July 28 noon to 3pm
$200 for 6 classes
San Marcos, California at Quilt in a Day
Call 800-777-4852   
This piece, "Sparrow Song" will inspire our first lesson in class. It's modeled after Janet Bolton's work.
Sparrow Story
detail of "Sparrow Song" by Jane LaFazio
The design process was very spontaneous, and bit by bit, and then completely hand sewn. Of course, students will create their own design and can machine or hand sew. There are a few spots left in the class. Call 800-777-4852 to register for Art Quilt Explorations by Jane LaFazio. Each class is a new and separate project, so no problem if you miss one. 
Sparrow Story
detail of "Sparrow Song" by Jane LaFazio

Sparrow Story
detail of "Sparrow Song" by Jane LaFazio

Sparrow Story
detail of "Sparrow Song" by Jane LaFazio

Sparrow Story
detail of "Sparrow Song" by Jane LaFazio


  1. Love that it is stitched by hand. I wish I lived closer to take a class! That black and white tree is such a happy tree!

  2. What a delightful quilt! love it

  3. I agree with Marian... If only I lived nearby, I would love to take a class.

  4. Jane! Sounds fun! Love the folk art look of this!

  5. Marlaine DesChamps2/15/2013 10:35 AM

    What a beautiful quilt! I love the fact that it is all hand stitched. I would love to take this class if only I lived closer.

  6. Loving your hand stitched art quilt - it has so many sweet spots to enjoy.

  7. i am a late convert to hand stitching(I used to have a sewing phobia!!), but gee it's nice isn't it!Love this quilt.I have just begun to make things using your instructional video which I have just purchased.I have just posted about it on my blog. I LOVE the cushion you made using those wool felt pieces! I LOVE how you say to people, "take this technique and make it your own".I decided at the beginning of the year, to spend a year(at least), working on circles in as many ways as I could think of.I think I will only just scratch the surface after 1 year of working at them.


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