Monday, March 25, 2013

Writing Pratice ~ the crosswalk

March 17, 2013 My first ever public reading
As you've read on my blog, I've been doing a little writing practice. So on March 17, I did another first. I read my writings to a group of about 40 people. (Seven other women read too, not just me) It was kinda cool, and I'm proud for challenging myself, not only to write and edit my writing, but to read it aloud in front of people.

Reading my own words

The Crosswalk 
by Jane LaFazio

And it came to pass that a girl child was born to a 26-year-old divorcee and her brand new, nervous husband (but he’d always been high strung.) Before the birth of the girl and when she was in her mother’s stomach, there was an incident while crossing a busy street. The brand new husband was a step or two ahead in the crosswalk. The girl child’s 7-year-old half-brother--her mother’s first born son--was in the lead. All were within the white painted cross walk lines, facing the green light as they crossed the intersection.

Suddenly, a 16 year old driver careened through the light, catching the 7 year old boy and dragging him by his chrome bumper for 100 feet along the asphalt, till the child fell free and tumbled another 50 feet. He was bloody. His left ear hung by a tendon. The boy’s step father fell to his knees in the crosswalk holding his stunned wife around her linen-clad hips and sobbed.

Three months later, the girl was born. Five pounds, healthy and pretty. (Her photo was in the window of the town’s photographer shop window for years, as an example of a pretty poised baby.)

A year and a half after the girl was born the parents divorced.

If the boy hadn’t been hit by the car, would the story have been different?



  1. I'm guessing that is little baby girl was you, Jane. I am glad you are writing. What started it? I write my morning pages as per "The Artist's Way" but with no real purpose. It is amazing what the therapy of writing provides. Keep it up!

    1. yup. I signed up for a 10 week course and that's what these writings are from... Writing is hard for me and soooo easy to put off!! Not sure where I'll go next with it. Maybe a monthly writing group?

  2. Well done.........a novella next then!

  3. .....and if the parents had stayed together how would that have impacted the lives of the little boy and the beautiful baby girl? I can't imagine you any other way, and I love you just the way you are!


  4. Good for getting outside your comfort zone and putting yourself out there. Its one thing to read or teach in front of people, but reading your own writing is very personal.

  5. where was this reading and why was I not invited? :(

    1. Darn, Noel! I did post it on this blog, but didn't send out email invites. Wish you'd been there, you would have really enjoyed it.


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