Friday, May 31, 2013

Map Book ~ on the road

map book
Map book ~ Jane LaFazio
map book
Map book ~ Jane LaFazio
I've seen this book structure, made with a map, a few times, and thought I'd give it a try. Great fun, and I want to make more and fill them with my sketches and watercolor!
map book
Map book ~ Jane LaFazio
map book
Map book ~ Jane LaFazio
map book
Map book ~ Jane LaFazio

map book
Map book ~ Jane LaFazio

map book
Map book ~ Jane LaFazio


  1. What a great idea - esp. since you travel so much.

  2. Perfect map book for traveling! Love this.

  3. Oh great! What a good idea!

  4. I've done it, too, Jane & loved it. One thing I learned (the hard way!) when I traveled with mine was to put a stiff paper in the middle to prevent squishes, and if you can stitch up a cute bag for it you will be glad because mine tore a bit in my travel tote. I have now gotten a little fancy and stuck a pocket for pencils, brushes, eraser on the bag, too. How fun we have these cool things to stash the flotsam and jetsam of travel in... receipts from patisseries and bus tickets. Wish I were going with you this summer! Hope you enjoy every moment. You are definitely the most stylin' art teacher around!

  5. oh this is wonderful...I cant wait to see it filled :)

  6. Gotta make one~ My son will be going to the National Jamboree for scouting in July and travelling from Wichita Falls TX to WV. This would be a great way to scrapbook some of his memories and have him log some stories of his trip to save.

  7. I'd love to make one of these for an upcoming trip! Are there some basic instructions that you could point me to?


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