Monday, May 27, 2013


I've got an article in the recent Quilting Arts magazine, June/July 2013, showing how to use stencils in your work with fabric (or paper). And what do you know, I'm using the stencils I designed for Stencil Girl Products in the article! Coincidence? I think not.

Quilting Arts latest issue with my friend, Jamie Fingal's quilt on the front!

And I also appear in an issue of Cloth Paper Scissors....
Editor, Jenn Mason included a photo of the CREATE mixed media retreat instructors, and guess who was doing a yoga pose...Oh, I laughed when I saw it!!
Yoga Poses in Public Places


  1. FANTASTIC!!! So thrilled that you are receiving the recognition you so richly deserve. Hip hip hooray!!!

  2. Congratulations Jane!!

  3. I really liked your QA article! I plan to do more with my own homemade stencils. Your pieces are pretty!

  4. Hi Jane - I'm so enjoying your email newsletter and really look forward to the latest instalment. Congratulations on your article in Quilting Arts; your work is beautiful! I am also in the same magazine - coincidence? (In the Spotlight, and Intuitive Handstitching). Keep up the good work! Rita =D


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