Saturday, May 18, 2013

Small Narrative Quilts

story quilts
spring story quilt by Jane LaFazio
Inspired by Janet Bolton's work, I created these small (~4x4 inch) story quilts.
story quilts
 detail spring story quilt by Jane LaFazio

story quilts
detail spring story quilt by Jane LaFazio
story quilts
detail spring story quilt by Jane LaFazio
story quilts
detail spring story quilt by Jane LaFazio

story quilts
detail spring story quilt by Jane LaFazio

story quilts
detail spring story quilt by Jane LaFazio

story quilts
detail spring story quilt by Jane LaFazio

I taught a variation of these small quilts for a workshop at San Diego Museum of Art, recently.
Students at my 'narrative quilt' workshop at San Diego Museum of Art 
Before the workshop, we toured the SDMA exhibition with a docent
People often as me, with all the teaching I do, do I have time to make my own artwork. The answer is yes, I love learning and making new things that often lead to subjects for workshop. And, frequently, I need to go in my studio and create specifically for a workshop or class. Either way, I'm making art, and staying inspired.


  1. GREAT Work and post!
    Thanks for sharing...INSPIRING!!!!

  2. Love those itty bitty quilt lets Jane!


  3. I LOVE the Spring Quilt...especially the narratives

  4. Jane make me want to sew!


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