Saturday, June 29, 2013

My blog is a book

my blog in a book ~ 2012
JaneVille in book form
my blog in a book ~ 2012
JaneVille in book form  ~ 422 pages for 2012!
my blog in a book ~ 2012
JaneVille in book form
My blog is a book! Well, a self published book, using Blog2Print, and paying a hefty amount. I easily downloaded my posts, by date, and created a book online. They shipped quickly and I'm thrilled with the tangible record of my 2012 blog posts. I've got a book for 2011, too, and considering doing a 2010 edition. 
Why? Because it's a great record of what I've done. Because I work really hard on this blog, and I'm proud of it. And, this way I can show others my blog and encourage them to sign up to receive it in their email box, which I'm sure you're doing, right? (Just go to my blog and enter your email in the column on the right side, and you'll never miss a post.)
my blog in a book ~ 2012
JaneVille in book form
my blog in a book ~ 2012
JaneVille in book form
my blog in a book ~ 2012
JaneVille in book form
cool, huh?


  1. Super cool And beautiful.. I didn't know that could be done. I'm already an rss feed follower.

  2. I plan to do the same thing for my blog, Needlepoint Study Hall. Like you said, it is a great way to see all of your efforts. Being in print does give further validation. Congratulations and thanks for all of your wonderful inspirations. Robin King/Memphis, TN

  3. After reading about this on your Facebook page, I ordered a book also. It is so fun to see our blog history - thanks for sharing the info.

  4. Wow, Jane, that is sooooooo cool! Not to mention gorgeous.

  5. your book looks marvelous -and what a great idea! I'm going to look into this as this is just over my first year blogging so my book wouldn't be so expensive :)

  6. wonderful! i've looked into doing it too. this will get me thinking about it again.

  7. Your book is marvelous!! you know I love your blog! I have been meaning to do this, thanks for the reminder!!!

  8. It is a very good idea! And your book is very beautiful. I follow your blog with feedly.

  9. Very cool! And it made a beautiful book!!! Good for you!

  10. What a lovely idea! I have to look into this, it would be great to hold something like this in my hands about my own blog. I love it!

  11. It's fabulous! What a great idea to make a hard copy. Blogs are fun and yes you put a LOT of work into yours but scrolling can only go so far. How wonderful

  12. wow...that's great ! Enjoy your book Jane !

  13. that is such a grand idea; love how it turned out, jane. worth it! i work hard on my blog too, and it's just a wonderful way to document something you love, and that you love doing. it's a ministry!

  14. Is there any way that you can sell it? I'd love a copy. Especially because I've just recently started following your blog and have LOTS to catch up with!

  15. Oh, FANTASTIC!!! And thank you for including the site where you had it done. I think I need one for my blog, too.

  16. I love this idea! I've already gone to the site and registered. It will make a nice keepsake.

  17. I love it! Thanks for sharing this with us.

    I want to do this with my Journey Juju (now defunct) blog. I started but the pictures needed more work than I had time. But your post inspires me to look at this project again!

    Thanks for sharing your pages and resources with us.

  18. This is pretty cool, I love it and I love your blog. Thank you for doing all the work you can be proud of your realy georgous blog. I enjoy everyone of your posts. Manuela

  19. I love my Blog2Print books, though I have always gotten the soft covers. I get one for every year I have been blogging. It seems like a nice visual diary of what has been going on, doesn't it?
    Yours looks very snazzy in its red cover! I may need to rethink the cover of mine next time.....!

  20. I did this for myself with my blog what a wonderful choice it gave me inner satisfaction and inspired me to grow as an artist. Having something in your hand from the virtual work you did was something good for your soul.

  21. That is awesome!!! Are you selling it?

  22. I think that is awesome!!! Are you selling it?
    If's too expensive, you can make a condensed version in a magazine format. 20 cents per page(i'ts been awhile since i've been on the site. don't know if the price is more)

    I think we would be very interested in purchasing it, and it some else to sell at your classes. Typing this is reminding me that I need to do it also.

  23. This is such a great way to track your progress. Thanks for sharing!

  24. wow! thanks everyone for your kind words and thoughts. I'm not selling them, because they cost like $175 for just one! but thanks for the great thoughts and especially for letting me know you appreciate my blog enough to want to see it in print....xoxo

  25. brilliant! : )

    TOTALLY worth it.


  26. Congratulations, Jane! What a great idea.

  27. oh my goodnes this is gorgeous Janex it gives me courage to do the same...thank youxxlynda

  28. Congratulations! That's really great!

  29. fantabulous. love it. Congrats, Jane

  30. commenting again :) I just ordered my book-MANY thanks to you for sharing this!! I'm proud of my first year of artful blogging and am thrilled to have it preserved in book format!
    PS -they should give you a nice discount on your next purchase :)

  31. Congratulations, beautiful!!


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