Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Text on Textiles ~ in black and white ~ in progress

text on textiles in black and white and
art by Jane LaFazio

text on textiles in black and white and
In progress ~ art by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles in black and white and
art by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles in black and white and
art by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles in black and white and
art by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles in black and white and
art by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles in black and white and
art by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles in black and white and
art by Jane LaFazio

Sunday, July 28, 2013

filming a video ~ behind the scenes

trying out backgrounds for my video
So, I've been creating and filming and editing the video for my upcoming FREE Strathmore Online Workshops, starting September 3. It's a steep learning curve (the filming and editing) and I've been working hard.
Aside from creating the artwork and filming the creation of it, with narration, I had to film myself doing introductions and segues. But first, I needed an attractive background for myself. I walked around our house, photoing myself in front of different scenes. I learned a lot about lighting while doing this. Flattering and unflattering light. (see photos above)

map as background
my Cuba photos as background
I settle on using my own quilt (Nature Journal/ Stitch Rituals) as a background. You can see the high tech, elaborate filming set up below. (ha!) My Canon PowerShot SX260HS on a tripod, quilt hanging on the door to my studio, chair for the 'talent' (that would be me) to sit on.
elaborate filming set up. (haha)
Keep in mind, I'm doing everything! from the art to the filming to the editing, makeup, script, set design. It's a bunch of work...okay...especially when you wait to nearly the deadline to do it.  
Ah, the life of a self employed artist is never dull. And I am always learning something!

Here's a VIDEO clip of one of my videos.

And a VIDEO of the state of my studio afterwards:


photo by Jane LaFazio
photo by Jane LaFazio
I have a new idea for a blog series. Weekly. "on my walk today" instagram photos taken by me. In part, it's to encourage me to get back to walking. (I'm been a sloth the past few months). I like the idea of a weekly series. We'll see. It may be monthly.......or just to be safe 'an occasional series.' (Do follow me on instagram. I really enjoy it!)
photo by Jane LaFazio
photo by Jane LaFazio

Friday, July 26, 2013

Free Spirited Free Motion ~ Blue Bird Spring

art quilt
detail of Blue Bird Spring ~ by Jane LaFazio
art quilt
detail of Blue Bird Spring ~ by Jane LaFazio
art quilt
detail of Blue Bird Spring ~ by Jane LaFazio
art quilt
  Blue Bird Spring ~ by Jane LaFazio

art quilt
detail of Blue Bird Spring ~ by Jane LaFazio
art quilt
detail of Blue Bird Spring ~ by Jane LaFazio
art quilt
detail of Blue Bird Spring ~ by Jane LaFazio
art quilt
detail of Blue Bird Spring ~ by Jane LaFazio

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

home from teaching at CREATE New Jersey

good to be home again
Good to be home ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
I just returned from teaching at CREATE in New Jersey. Here are a few (not so great) photos. I taught a lot, big classes, great people!
teaching in new jersey
Machine Needle felting student work
teaching in new jersey
Text to Textiles student work
And here's a 15 second instagram VIDEO of my student's work from my "10 Objects 10 Ways" class.

But the best description of my teaching is here, on my new pal, Andria Kaskey's blog. Check out her description of my "10 Objects 10 Ways" class here.

Monday, July 22, 2013

from my sketchbook ~ at Sequoia National Park

from my sketchbook
sketchbook page detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
sketchbook page detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
sketchbook page detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
sketchbook page detail ~ by Jane LaFazio

Saturday, July 20, 2013

more from Sequoia National Park

teaching at montecito
photo by Jane LaFazio
montecito sequoia resort
photo by Jane LaFazio
Some photos from my week teaching at Montecito Sequoia family summer camp.
montecito sequoia resort
photo by Jane LaFazio

montecito sequoia resort
photo by Jane LaFazio

montecito sequoia resort
photo by Jane LaFazio

montecito sequoia resort
photo by Jane LaFazio

montecito sequoia resort
photo by Jane LaFazio

Thursday, July 18, 2013

teaching on location in Sequoia National Park

teaching at montecito
My sketchbook pages in various stages of progress, some unfinished ~ by Jane LaFazio
painting and teaching
Teaching AND getting a chance to paint ~ Jane LaFazio
I just returned from a week of teaching sketching and watercolor to adults, as the artist residence, at Montecito Sequoia Family Summer Camp in Sequoia National Park. 
montecito sequoia resort

teaching at montecito
some of my students ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

montecito sequoia resort
some of my students ~ photo by Jane LaFazio (yes, husb took my classes too!)
montecito sequoia resort
an evening skit, down by the lake ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
I teach in the mornings and the rest of the time take advantage of the fun that the camp has to offer. Like totally fun skits, by the counselors, and game nights and paint ball, and a million other activities.
montecito sequoia resort
photo by Jane LaFazio
yoga poses in public places montecito july 11 2013
Yoga Poses in Public Places