Thursday, August 08, 2013

Art Unraveled ~ in Phoenix ~ recap

photo by Jen Cushman
Just home from teaching, for my 6th year, at Art Unraveled in Phoenix, Arizona. It's really a wonderful retreat, in a very nice hotel, filled with students and teachers who have become friends over the years. It's a retreat that just feels good! We had a wonderful time!

My sketchbook page in progress ~ demo for sketching & watercolor

my students' work! after a 6 hour class!

Phoenix night sky
Lesley Riley and me

student work ~  my Text on Textiles class

my work in progress from my Free Spirited Free Motion class

Selling my wares at the Shopping Extravaganza
Hope to see you at Art Unraveled, in Phoenix, Arizona next year! (If not before!)


  1. Looks like FUN!!!!
    Nice Job, Jane!

  2. Great, great fun....lucky students and great work. You do live the most fun life and get to meet so many other talented people! Love seeing your travels and work on facebook.! Every thing you create and do is filled with inspiration. You are such a versatile and amazing artist! Between Facebook, your blog, and seeing you on Quilting Arts TV..we readers feel like we know you. I think its your joy, your sharing and that open hearted smile. Beautiful!

  3. Unfortunately I had to miss all of the fun at ArtUnraveled this year :( I'm summering in a small fishing village in Nova Scotia this year. Thanks for the photos, Jane!
    ~martha (Ruth's Canadian)


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