Sunday, August 18, 2013

Text on Textiles ~ Passport

Text on Textiles
cat on Text on Textiles ~ by Jane LaFazio
I've been teaching "Text on Textiles" workshops this summer, so that means I've been making more of them. It is a process I really enjoy! I'm thinking of doing an online class of it....I'll keep you posted.
text on textiles: passport
Passport by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles: passport
 detail of Passport by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles: passport
 detail of Passport by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles: passport
 detail of Passport by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles: passport
 detail of Passport by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles: passport
 detail of Passport by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles: passport
 detail of Passport by Jane LaFazio
text on textiles: passport
 detail of Passport by Jane LaFazio
Text on Textiles
Buddy & BeBop supervising the photo shoot


  1. Jane, please have a class on these. Can you make a nice winters chill throw on making these into a lap quilt. Please hurry in your decision I live in Pittsburgh Pa and winters cold is on the way:) BURR

  2. I would love to take this class online!!!

  3. I love your snoopervisors.

  4. So beautiful. Who doesn't have snippets of lovely fabrics and lace that are saved because they are so beautiful; but we don't know what to do with them. And I love hand is so therapeutic. So this as an online class would be awesome! I could even see this technique incorporated into fabric journals.

  5. These are wonderful. So much texture. I seem to like that as much as your cat!

  6. Oh dear... just when I was getting focused on making three specific art quilts... now you've got me thinking about pulling out maps and paraphernalia from trips for another one. Love the Passport quilt.

  7. This looks like an awesome project that wouldn't require a lot of sewing experience! And it is lovely! Thank you for sharing.


  8. Count me in for an online class of these! I used to do a lot of sewing (before I took up painting) and do miss it. I love the look of these! You are always so inspiring!

  9. Count me in for an online class of these! I used to do a lot of sewing (before I took up painting) and do miss it. I love the look of these! You are always so inspiring!

  10. Looks like great fun, definitely interested !

  11. Everything you do is beautiful and wonderful, maybe because you are not only creative but you do what you do with a lot of love.

  12. I'd definitely be interested in the online class! I've been away from working with fabric for some time and would love a reason to get back to it.

  13. Jane,
    Please do the text on textile class online! Sign me up.


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