Friday, October 04, 2013

from my sketchbook ~ from the natural history museum

from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
We had a San Diego Sketchcrawl last week. Lori Mitchell arranged to rent taxidermied animals, from the Natural History Museum, for us to draw and paint. The animals were in plexi cases and made perfect subjects.
from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
working in my sketchbook

from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
My sketchcrawl friends surprised me with a birthday cake!
sketchcrawl sept 13
San Diego Sketchcrawlers celebrate my birthday!


  1. Fun! I really like how you added the little birthday flags to the composition. It looks like you had planned it, but of course you didn't even know about the flags until you were done. Isn't it nice how things just come together like that?!!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!!! That must have been the best birthday of your life!!! I can hardly imagine such fun with friends.

    I'm so happy for you~ loved this post and your sketchbook results. Beautiful!

    Can't wait to see your posts from Italy. Happy travels ~ happy art-making!

  3. What fun! Happy Birthday!

  4. Stunning as always and happy birthday!

  5. Hi Jane, love your blog. I have been incorporating many of your ideas into my daily work. I do have a question concerning your spray gesso and stencil do you clean the gesso off the stencil after spraying? Mine has dried and is going to be time consuming to scrape it off. I am sure you have already figured this one out. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas!

    1. Hi marsha, i don't clean my stencils...I just let the gesso or paint dry on them. Thanks for your comment!

  6. Hi Jane, love your blog. I have incorporated many of your ideas into my daily work, and I have a question for you. How do you remove the spray gesso from your stencils after spraying with the gesso? I can see that the scraping method is going to be quite time consuming, and I am sure you have already figured this out. Thank you for sharing all of your ideas with us!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday, Jane. :)

  8. Happy Birthday Jane. I hope it was fabulous!


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