Saturday, November 30, 2013

Organizing my art biz

getting organized
photo by Jane LaFazio
getting organized
BEFORE ~ my office 
getting organized
in progress ~ it helps to have pretty folders (from the container store)
I've been taking Alyson Stanfield's Organize Your Art Biz  and I've really learned a lot! And been motivated to make some good and practical changes to my systems. I'm only on module 7, with 5 more to go. I'll keep you posted! Honestly, I really feel this wasn't just a cleaning but a very liveable and sustainable process.
getting organized
MY office NOW! ~ photo by Jane LaFazio


  1. Looks wonderful! Like a destination spot instead of a devastation spot!

  2. thanks for sharing this - give me hope!

  3. The "now" is a "wow" Jane. Job well done!

  4. I'm still in the "before" but hired someone to come help me clean and organize. It's hard to find the time, isn't it?

  5. I agree! WOW! This looks so incredible! I'm organizing my studio now, so this gives me hope too!

  6. Awesome! Love it all! Would you mind sharing your source for the pretty baskets with the burlap trimming? They are so pretty!

    1. thanks, Sheila. I got them ages ago...and I can't remember where. Pier One imports or Cost Plus?

  7. Jane, THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you. Your blog was an answer to a prayer. I have been boggled and paralyzed by the piles of papers in my studio - so much that it has taken over my paint areas and I have stopped creating art. I immediately looked into Organize Your Art Biz, and signed up. I have completed the first two lessons and feel so much better already. The art muses move in mysterious ways.

  8. Oh yes, it's something that stalks us constantly, right? Have the file folders, but was just looking for a box, yesterday. Yours is prettier than I was thinking! Maybe pPrettier,mould translate to working on it More :) Laura


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