Tuesday, December 10, 2013

and the winners are...

My beginning online class "Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style" is open for registration now. The class will start January 17. It's the perfect class for beginners! (and, well, everyone, but it's geared for beginners)

The winner of the the Santa card is:
I love them both but my favorite is the Santa on the wood stool. i would send it to my Granddaughters in Seattle. They think Santa is the greatest!!

original watercolor card
by Jane LaFazio
The winner of the nutcracker card is:
Every Christmas since my son was little, I have given him a Nutcracker ornament to hang on the tree, so that when he had grown he would have the memories to share with his own family (and tree). In September of this year my first grandchild was born. I would love to have the Nutcracker card to add to the memories. Thank you for the opportunity.
original watercolor card
by Jane LaFazio
Email me with your mailing address, dear winners!


Thanks so much for visiting JaneLaFazio.com!