Friday, December 06, 2013

Holiday Card Give Away

Me and Santa and my sweet husb, Don
original watercolor card
original watercolor greeting card ~ by Jane LaFazio
Tis the season and all that! The free online workshop I created for Strathmore ends December 31, so if you haven't checked it out, do! I created these two original watercolor cards for the workshop and now I'd like to give them away. (It's a lovely Strathmore card, blank inside, with the matching envelope.) Leave a comment about who you'd send the card to and I'll choose TWO winners on 12/10/13. I'll announce them on the blog, so you'll need to check back to see if you won. Winners will email me, and I'll send the card to you in a separate envelope. 
original watercolor card
original watercolor greeting card ~ by Jane LaFazio


  1. I would love to win one!!! Merry Christmas to you - Karen in Virginia Beach

  2. My first Trading Card Swap was with Strathmore Papers I received a beautiful poinsettia created in watercolor! My husband looks like Santa and you captured it perfectly! Lovely thoughts your way!

  3. I love them both but my favorite is the Santa on the wood stool. i would send it to my Granddaughters in Seattle. They think Santa is the greatest!!

  4. I would frame the card and give it as a gift to one of my closest friends. She loves Christmas art.

  5. Every Christmas since my son was little, I have given him a Nutcracker ornament to hang on the tree, so that when he had grown he would have the memories to share with his own family (and tree). In September of this year my first grandchild was born. I would love to have the Nutcracker card to add to the memories. Thank you for the opportunity.

  6. Jane, my 83 year old father will love getting a hand written note in the mail from me on one of these beautiful cards. My mom was a wonderful Christmas decorator and party giver. Your subject matter reminds me of one more thing we miss this time of year, since losing her 18 months ago.

  7. i liked your strathmore-workshop and did every excecise!
    i would keep the card for myself haha:)

  8. Fabulous cards!
    I'd send one to my MIL who is rather poorly at the moment.

  9. I'd send one to my mother-in-law.

  10. I took this class with you this year and was able to create several beautiful (in my eyes!) cards that I sent to friends. I would love to frame this for myself as a constant reminder of the teacher that really ignited my interest in keeping an art journal! Thanks for the opportunity. Merry Christmas!

  11. I would give the card to my friend Joyce as she would appreciate original art. She teaches me wood carving and I share watercolor techniques with her. The little figures look carved.

  12. Oh, Goodness... these are so sweet!

  13. Jane,
    These are wonderful. Sweet, even!

  14. I loved the class and especially these cards. I would send the card to my granddaughter since she has seen these German symbols at our house and at at the homes of her relatives in Germany, so she would appreciate them...and the fact that they are original artwork.

  15. I'd be sending it to one of my artist friends, which one depends on which card I win. I enjoyed your workshop and ended up doing several cards myself this year instead of one painting and having it printed.

  16. They're lovely, Jane! As always.

    I volunteer at a clean and sober recovery house for women. I'd give it to one of the ladies I"m mentoring. So proud of her. She is bravely facing and fighting a lifetime of addiction, and building a new life out of the shreds of a horrible existence. Every little gift adds a bit of strength and courage. Can you tell I am passionate about helping these brave women? They inspire me and make me so grateful every day. Art is helping their recovery.

  17. Well,my comment from yesterday isn't here, so I guess I did something wrong. I would pick the Santa Clausand give it to my brother who has A L S (Lou Gehrig disease). Santa has always visited our home in person and this will be the last year my brother will be able to see him if at all because he is in an electric wheelchair and, if he live that long, he will be bedridden and not able to communicate next year. Thank you for your class. Although I have little extra time these days, I continue to work on these cute designs.

  18. I would give these cards to my daughter's grandparents and aunt who live in Mexico City. Her aunt just found her last week after 15 years of no contact (which I feel really bad about) but it was good to be able to chat with them again.

  19. I would send the Santa card to my best friend who supports and comforts me when I need it. Thank you for offering these cards to bless others!

  20. Jane, I took the class and have been having a time with Christmas Cards. It was a devine classs and picked up so much from class. Thanks again...Judith, Texas

  21. Thanks for the class! I usually paint a few cards myself for close family members but didn't this year. Yours would be lovely to send to a cherished aunt.

  22. I have almost completed your Strathmore online course. It has been great, I've learned so much. If I win, I think I would send the card to myself. That's just awful of me isn't it?! But I wouldn't be able to part with it :-)

  23. I would send to my friend Linda Knight because she loves your work!

  24. I've loved doing the course Jane! I f I win I would have to send it to my Sweet Husband to bring a smile to his face!

  25. Fun giveaway, Jane! I would send the card to my mom, because she shares my love for art, and really deserves an extra smile this holiday season!

  26. Those cards would be perfect for a dear friend who needs lots of TLC this year. I love your work!


Thanks so much for visiting!