Thursday, December 19, 2013

the story of a commissioned painting and a movie

I love Autumn ~ the finished painting
"Autumn is my Favorite Season" by Jane LaFazio (watercolor 22x30 inches 2013)
I love Autumn ~ in progress
painting in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
I finally finished a commission. I was given this commission over a year ago! Yes, about 15 months ago. The person who commissioned me is my friend and tax preparer, Mark. Last September, he showed me around his large office and told me he'd love to have some of my work. He told me his favorite season was Autumn.
Why did this take me soooo long? I was busy, I was traveling, it wasn't autumn, I didn't have the subject matter...oh, a million excuses!  Commissions are paid-for work and very flattering, but so very intimidating somehow. I've done a few in my career, and they've always been very stressful. Each pencil mark and paint stroke, I worry, 'will he or she like this?' So, this is officially, my last commission. I'd LOVE for you to buy some of my work, but only the work already completed. It's just the way I am. 
I love Autumn ~ the finished painting
"Autumn is my Favorite Season" by Jane LaFazio
I love Autumn ~ the finished painting
"Autumn is my Favorite Season" by Jane LaFazio
I love Autumn ~ the finished painting
"Autumn is my Favorite Season" by Jane LaFazio
I love Autumn ~ in progress
delivering the finished painting to Mark, my tax guy. whew!
Here's a little movie I made of the process. It's the first time I've done a 'voiceover,' so keep in mind I'm still learning!


  1. Your Autumn painting for Mark is wonderful! I've been around "working" artists most of my adult life and while working in a NYC artist rep studio as an office manager years back and it seems that everyone one of them would get a bit "paralyzed" by fear with a commission!! As a rank beginner and someone who purchased art over the years from artists, let me assure you that we want your art because it's so beautiful and an expression of yourself! Don't try to please us, just do what comes naturally to you and we will love it! Beautiful painting, Jane!

  2. It's a wonderful painting Jane, so full of colour and life. Mark must love to look up from his accounts and see such beautiful work. I enjoyed watching it coming together on the video.

  3. Love this painting but I'm with you about the pressure. I work to manufacturers' specs every day and always have that "fingers crossed behind my back" feeling.

    Nice video! And the finished painting is just lovely, so "Jane" at your very best.

  4. Your work is always beautiful! Loving the way you incorporated the grid lines and maps in this piece. Curious, did you have to do anything special with the maps to keep them acid free?

  5. Great painting and video! I know what you mean about commissions! Especially portraits! Yikes! Even animal portraits! Thank heaven I don't have to do those any more & just sell the stuff I want to create! Keep up the great work!

  6. The painting is great. I am so with you on not wanting to do commissions - I have done a few quilting commissions and have lost a lot of sleep (unfortunately not weight!) over them.

  7. This is gorgeous Jane! Autumn is my favorite time of year also, so this piece really speaks to me.

    Elaine Allen

  8. Wonderful Jane! You're an inspiration. I dislike doing commissions and avoid it like the plague but you certainly were up to the challenge.


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