Monday, January 13, 2014

Mosaics in my house

mosaics in my house that I made
I love making mosaics from treasures I've collected. I've got them all over my house~ all created by me, I'll give you a little tour, okay?
mosaics in my house that I made

mosaics in my house that I made
I collected all these celedon pieces of tiles and rocks over a period of years. I didn't know why or what for, other than I was so attracted to celadon green. I got many of these green pieces at a store in San Diego.
mosaics in my house that I made

mosaics in my house that I made
I had a blank space above the fireplace, so I created the mosaic on a board, exactly cut to the size of the space, then just slid it in. (It's not very well lit, under the mantle, so I added the christmas lights on a timer)
mosaics in my house that I made

mosaics in my house that I made
mosaic above the fireplace
The wall quilt is by Cas Holmes, the framed pieces by Chad Alice Hagen and Cathy Cullis. (ha! do I only like artwork by women whose first names start with a 'C'?)

mosaics in my house that I made
one of my first mosaics, a table top

mosaics in my house that I made

When we got a new stove, there was a unfinished space on the wall, so I make a mosaic on a board and attached it to the wall. 
mosaics in my house that I made

mosaics in my house that I made
The entry hall was my biggest job, (and the last time I mosaiced!) It's made from broken slate, found rocks and tiles. It took weeks to lay, lots of hard, physical work. Thankfully, I hired someone to grout and seal it. 
mosaics in my house that I made

my mosaic mirror frame
This mirror was my very first mosaic. I took a class from my friend, Jill Hall, to learn the techniques and materials needed. I asked my friend, Jose, to cut the wood frame. I used pieces from our lives and travels, so many memories in this mirror. It hangs in our guest bathroom.
my mosaic mirror frame
When we first married, I had this coffee cup made for my husband, Don Strom.

my mosaic mirror frame
Our first kitty was named 'Cinzano.' Don's brother got this ashtray
from a bar in San Francisco for us.
my mosaic mirror frame
We lived and traveled in Asia

my mosaic mirror frame
The little character is a chop stick rest, and reminds me of my older brother.

my mosaic mirror frame
A cup handle and a pepper cannister

my mosaic mirror frame
Sweet peter rabbit dishes.
my mosaic mirror frame
Ain't it the truth?
When my husb and I cleaned out our garage last week, I ran across a giant container of broken tiles and dishes that I've been collecting to mosaic a bench for our patio. I promised him I'd do it in 2014. for sure. Really. I'll keep you posted!

Do you do project like this for your home? I love DIY projects! As long as they're are creative and don't involve precision. 


  1. I have a box like that in my garage, too! Clay pots are a good base for mosaics. Stepping stones get slippery when wet though. A friend has a fabulous concrete bird bath in her garden. The center of the bowl is a cup and saucer. Love your insert over the stove. Great idea.

  2. I love your mosaic pieces, esp. the heart mirror. What a wonderful way to save your memories!

  3. How beautiful they all are and what talent you have, very inspiring.

  4. wow your mosaics are beautiful. Such patience and true love of designs. Hugs Annette x

  5. Jane, these are SO beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I was going to share mine last week but they are just squares! hehe.

  6. like you, I've been saving pieces of broken china for a yet-to-be-determined project. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. I love them!

  8. I've done 2 small mosaic backslashes I our home and ALS have the container of broken dishes! I like adding that personal creative touch.
    I really love the floor mosaic.

  9. OMG: I love it! All so you! I hope you won't disappoint Don in 2014 - after all, a promise is a promise! LOL


  10. Can't thank you enough for all the glimpses into your lovely home over the years....your art and heart SHINE throughout...what a sanctuary, a haven you and Don have created....knowing all your wishes and projects come true in 2014. JOY!!

  11. I love this stuff! When is the "Mosaic for Home Spaces" class?

  12. these are fantastic! what an artistic home you have - an inspiration.

  13. They are all gorgeous . I specially love your floor, behind your stove, under your mantel lol love them all really ♡♥

  14. I love love love your masaics!

  15. I love love love your mosaics!

  16. I have always loved mosaics - every since I was a little girl! Beautiful work Jane!!! Thank you for sharing.

  17. Jane, Love your Mosaics a lot. The one behind the stove gosh Jane I could have that one for my back splash the colors ,pattern, are wonderful.
    Thank you so,

  18. I like the idea that you did the mosaics it on wood first.. how did you mount it to the wall, I don't see any screws or did you cover them with grout and tile after putting it up? You gave me some ideas for doing another area in my house. thanks for sharing.


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