Wednesday, January 01, 2014

ONE WORD for the year

I created this poster for 2013 ~
the words my readers and facebook friends chose.
Have you chosen your ONE WORD for 2014? Share with me, please!


  1. Hi Jane, I want to face each day with as much love and joy as possible. The word I have chosen this year is Delight.
    Thank you for asking.

  2. My word is "breathe." Just breathe...calming, relaxing, contemplative, creative breaths. Happy New Year Jane! Looking forward to your class.

  3. My word for 2014 is FEARLESS. I want to reach out for my goals FEARLESS and I want to live my creativity FEARLESS.
    Happy new year to you dear Jane. - Manuela

  4. my one little word for 2014 is CREATE:)

  5. Mine is a phrase..Sew Finish it Up...divers a lot of things in my life.

  6. Thrifty - full explanations here :-)

  7. Happy New Year Jane and to all of your visitors.

    Two words came to mind when you asked for words BEAUTY and MYSTERY

  8. Hi Jane! I loved this last year and I'm going to participate this year! I woke up this morning wanting a change but I didn't know how to do it. As I've thought about this this morning, I realized that I need to think about things differently. I know that answers are there if I'll just listen to the world around me. So I've eliminated lots of phrases--they aren't just one word--and settled upon the word 'diversify'; a paradigm shift, an attitude adjustment, listening to my soul and doing what's right for it. Thank you for causing me to clarify what I've been feeling for months now!

  9. Buck up (well technically two words). Life has thrown me several curves that have progressively dragged me down. Time to buck up and take control of my life.

  10. Hi Jane. My word for the year is present - as in be present. Thanks for your inspiration.

  11. My word this year is Healthy. Something that I haven't been in a very long time and would like to get back to. :-)
    Happy New Year!

  12. beauty/ beautiful is what I want to see/ share...

  13. Hi Jane,
    Passion - My goal is to choose carefully those things which will get my time and energy this year, and then to do those things with passion.

  14. My word for 2014 is Kindness - I want to show kindness and be non-judgmental to every person who crosses my path...

  15. Hi Jane,
    My one word for this year is 'persistence'....I have had a goal for a while now 'to make more art' and this is the year. Each day I hope to hold a pencil, paintbrush or keyboard to paint, design, draw or makes me happy.
    Thanks for sharing
    Christine Quimby

  16. Hi Jane, I've been writing down words the past month trying to see what resonates. Some of those: refresh, renew, restore, play, astonishment and gratitude. Then I read the post above by 'donnalee' --she wrote "practice"! That's it! For me my word will be 'practice'--to practice being mindful, practice compassion, practice gratitude, and practice drawing! : )
    Thank you donnalee and thank you Jane for your inspiring blog.

  17. Jane

    My word for the year is "enough."

    As in I have enough, I am enough, I have everything and will not stress because while it may seem otherwise, there is an abundance to meet my every need. Enough.

  18. Hi Jane: My word this year is "Acceptance" -- of myself and who I am, or my photography (stop comparing my work to others'). Yup, Acceptance is my word.
    Thanks for posting these.

  19. I chose the word "trust", and I'm really not sure why. I kept trying to come up with something "original", but the Universe kept saying TRUST, so I am along for the ride, and we will see where it takes me.

  20. After much pondering over the last week, the words that chose me are "Emerge" and "Authentic Self".

  21. I have two: haven and hearten/heartening. I need the haven from my stressful job. Hearten and heartening are both a bit different but both needed as well both in expressing/giving and receiving. My words in the past have been grace, gratitude, and fulfill/fulfillment. The years with grace and gratitude were abundant in their guidance and transformation in my life. Those two words still resonate deeply with me. Fulfillment was an interesting word for a year and I found it a bit overwhelming in some ways to focus on. Hearten and heartening are going to be helpful and haven is surely needed so I start the year feeling focused and more aligned. What you focus on you become and so I wish to create and have that safe haven for art.

  22. We had to put down our sweet little 15 year old dog this afternoon. "Bear" was a beautiful poodle/pomeranian who gave us so much joy and love...LOVE and JOY will be my words in his memory.

  23. My word is endurance. It ttakes a great deal of courage to endure this life.Serafina

  24. Hi Jane,

    My word will be "NOW" because I'm always thinking "after" and never really enjoying what I'm doing in the moment!
    HAve a beautiful year!

  25. Joy! Planning to embrace it! Happy New Year!

  26. My Yoga teacher has given me new meaning for my word for the year - now.

  27. I'm embracing the One Word concept for the first time. My word this year is Improve.

  28. What a fun thing you did! My one word for this year would have to be: Jessica

  29. 2013 word was "flourish" Need to find one for this year

  30. Mine is "confident". And I can't wait to see what it brings!

  31. What an awesome thing to create! Love it. My word is PRIORITIES for 2014.

  32. I hope the choice of DARE will push me a bit. I need it.

  33. Wow, kind of wish I had seen your wonderful graphic before I selected my word! There are some great options here, and I think I'll make a list to choose from for next year. Strangely enough, I've chosen RELAX for 2014; I'll be explaining the choice on my blog soon!

  34. I'm choosing "DANCE" . I just came across the quote
    "DANCE" as though no one is watching you,
    "LOVE" as though you have never been hurt before,
    "SING" as though no one can hear you,
    "LIVE" as though Heaven is on Earth

  35. I'm choosing "place" as in...where I need to be.

  36. My word is restoration.....of me and of my life.

  37. Cherish! This is how I feel about my husband, my family and friends, and the time to do art,

  38. Jane, my word for 2014 is FOCUS. I'm so easily distracted!

  39. …..moment…..

    Thank you, Jane. have a glorious 2014!

  40. My word for 2014 is: untethered (which has several meanings for me)!

  41. Embellishment. In a word, it means to me adding a little bit of my own personal art to the things in my environment. I've discovered that the bits of time I spend doing this is repaid over and over with more delight that pushes back at the stress of everyday life.

  42. My word is TRUST. I did not choose it, it chose me!
    I trust that I will be shown the most important thing to do this year.
    I have many loves. but sometimes I get lost.

  43. I came across my word a few weeks ago: 'orenda'. An Iroquoian word describing a mystical force present in all people that empowers them to affect the world, or to effect change in their own lives (- courtesy of Word Porn, one of my favourite fb sites). Love it.

  44. Health! 'Cuz I know what it's like when it's gone! And once I get it back, then I'll have LOTS of words!

  45. I am rescinding my original choice of LESS, although that is certainly my goal for the year. I have been toying with inspiration, in the sense of breath, so maybe just need to use BREATHE. I so enjoy all of the messages you post and send. Have a great 2014.

  46. My word is REACH because there are many goals, people, and moments I want to reach. I've also decided to pick a monthly word because I love words and had a hard time choosing just one!

  47. Curiosity is my word for 2014....

  48. "Serenity" is my choice word. Best wishes to you all for 2014. Greetings from me in South Africa!

    "Serenity" is my word for 2014 Best wishes to you all from me In South Africa.

  49. My word is HABIT. Explore what habits. Just notice, no judgement. Just be aware.

  50. Been doing these annually with Ali Edwards.... this year -
    HARMONY - finally starting to pull all the diverse bits of my life into something that works.

  51. My word this year is SHIFT. A gentler approach to rethinking a few things and making some changes.

  52. My word this year is PEACE. I know 2014 will be more peaceful in my little world and I will use prayer and art to shun the fear that life may present. After all it is silly to let fear (false evidence appearing real) stop me in my tracks and for no reason at all most of the time! Silly girl. I am excited about what this year may bring!!


Thanks so much for visiting!