Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Soup Sisters Luncheons

The table is set
I'm made the soups
Carrot Basil Soup

flowers are arranged

your place card is your one word for 2014
I chose CLEAR as my one word for 2014 (and I blogged about it here). The other word I was considering was 'community.' So, I've started hosting little luncheons at my home, inviting a just few friends at a time. I serve homemade soup, salad and some yummy bread, to make it simple and doable. So far, it's been delightful! My hope is to do this once a month. Don't fret if you haven't been invited yet, really, you're on the list! :-)  

How do you encourage or create community with your friends?


  1. What a lovely idea, Jane! I have two close friends that I do things with regularly... Cinde and I started meeting for "girls' night out" about 5 years ago after her beloved passed away... we get together for dinner after she gets off work, and have a nice hour or so to commune. My friend Joyce and I have an occasional day trip to visit fabric stores and have lunch. But I love your idea of having a few friends in for a lovely, hand prepared meal in beautifully decorated surroundings! Very nice...

  2. That is a great idea - and doable is the key! I may have to start doing this - I have so many great friends who have really walked the walk with me over the past six months!

  3. Very cool idea! I am "working on" (for lack of a better word) hospitality in my own life. I like your idea for soup sister luncheons!

  4. Love the idea of a few friends for lunch monthly. My word is RELEASE and I would have to release the guilt about not having my studio clutter out of the way before they came. Of course, if I invited someone every month maybe the clutter would stay cleared.


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