Sunday, March 23, 2014

How I make an art quilt ~

Poke Salad Annie quilt in progress
When I was walking through Central Park, in New York City last year, I came upon a beautiful plant laden with brilliantly colored berries. I took a dozen or so photos. When I returned, I found out it was the PokeBerry, a less than popular invasive weed. Oh well, I thought it was gorgeous! 
I have since been obsessed with working on this quilt, called Poke Salad Annie, after the song. (Just because I can name it anything I want.)
layout in progress
Playing with a layout of the pieces I've created so far ~ by Jane LaFazio

Poke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progress
I've been creating one piece at a time, using a color scheme and theme. Here's what I've got so far.
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progress
I've been going through my stash, finding linen napkins, or bits of cloth that seem to work with my theme. This a 'fly by the seat of your pants' way to work, but it's the way I love to create.
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progressPoke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progress
Poke Salad Annie quilt in progresstrying this layout
My next step is to do some gelli printing, in this color scheme. to add some different elements to this quilt. I'll keep you posted!


  1. I love how it's coming along! And just because someone has declared something an invasive weed doesn't mean it can't be beautiful! Thanks for sharing your progress... looking forward to seeing the finished piece!

  2. Each piece is so precious. So in-the-moment. I do want to see the method of how you attach them together. Please show that.

  3. Looks gorgeous, Jane! can't wait to see your accompanying gelli prints and the finished quilt.

  4. I am loving all of these elements, but mostly the sweet birds. Creating "by the seat of one's pants" is the only way to roll:-D

  5. I forgot to mention that it is a native plant here and pops up occasionally in my yard. When it does, I protect it because the birds and foxes love the berries. It is a beautiful plant and since I live on a wooded lot I don't have to worry about neighbors complaining about letting "weeds" grow.

  6. Love this work!!!!!!!! Thank you for all of the inspiration you give...Sondra

  7. Oh my how eyes are so happy right now!!!!

  8. Inspirational work.....can't wait to see more!

  9. I love every bit of this, and it's so much fun to watch your progress. I, too, look forward to the next installment. Thanks for sharing! xo

  10. Inspiring to see the parts of the whole, so yummy with all the stitching!

  11. I love the way the shapes and colours pull everything together.

  12. I love the way yo work with all the different techniques, and hand and machine stitching along with mixed media. It's delicate and pretty.

  13. The pieces are wonderful individually and as a whole!

  14. This is amazing - I am just loving it.

  15. I love seeing your process, so fascinating.

  16. Beautiful colors and a great variety of textures. Can't wait to see the finished Poke Salad!

  17. Such beautiful work. I love the colours and textures and bits and pieces. Thankyou for sharing with us!

  18. I too often combine machine and hand stitching -- you do it to wonderful effect. Can't wait to see how you attach the sections to each other.

  19. Love. Thanks for naming what I found this summer, took many pictures of and tried to sketch and watercolor, but had no clue what it was. So beautiful for a weed. :-)

  20. What a fun way to work, Jane! This looks wonderful! Is each of these pieces already sandwiched with batting/felt and backing? Thanks for this inspiration...must try!

  21. Love what you did. Would love to try it. Mag

  22. Would love to win this book. I am a quilter,artist, and in my Art school days, I was a printmaker.

  23. Would love to win this book. I am a quilter,artist, and in my Art School days ,a printmaker.

  24. I like your little notebook collages. I would love to win the book too. Thanks for the chance.

  25. I've hopped through all the blogs-It is so interesting to see each artist's use of the inspiration derived from this new book. A lot of variety, all lovely. I can't wait to try some of these ideas!


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