Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Upcoming workshops

Here's a VIDEO of Danny Gregory and I, discussing Rowe Center in Massachusetts. I'll be teaching a workshop "Autumn Leaves: Adventure in Art Journaling" September 12-14. You can get more info and register here.

Can't make it to the east coast? 

I'm teaching at the following retreats:

CREATE in Chicago  registration opening soon
August 13: Sketching and Watercolor on Collage
August 14: Sketching and Watercolor:  Farmers Market
August 15: Free Spirited Free Motion Art Quilting
August 16: Machine Needle-Felting:  Layered  and Textured 
August 17: Mini Text and Textiles:  A Small Hand Stitched Story Quilt (3 hrs)

CREATE in Seattle  registration opening soon
Thursday October 23: Free Spirited Free Motion Art Quilting
Friday, October 24: Machine Needle-Felting: Layered and Textured
Saturday October 25: Machine Needle-Felting: Layered and Textured (repeated)
Sunday, October 26: Mini Text and Textiles: A Small Hand Stitched Story Quilt (3 hrs)

September 26: Recycled Circles (using paper substrate)

Join my email list


  1. Bonjour,
    Toutes mes félicitations pour vos prochains cours. Je suis certaine que voua allez avoir une foule d'élèves.
    Gros bisous à vous

  2. I would so love to go to the Petaluma workshop, Jane. I really am moved by your work, I know I would get so much out of your class. I'm hoping!!!


Thanks so much for visiting JaneLaFazio.com!